Chapter 19- like you care

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That Monday of school everyone's lessons were cancelled, all students had to come in for a morning assembly. Bokuto knew what it was for. He knew what this was about and it annoyed him, the school didn't care. If they did, they would have noticed that he was struggling before he reached this stage.

Bokuto still went in anyway, he felt it would be disrespectful if he didn't. he sat in the hall near the back, listening to the nonsense the school was talking about. Bokuto fiddled with his hands, he sighed noticing that a small fraction of the assembly was to inform the students about Akaashi's death and the rest being stupid notices or the school pretending to care, telling students 'we're here for you' Bokuto didn't believe any of it, he didn't care anymore. He got up and walked out of the hall heading towards the school gates, he held an angered look filled with sadness. The boy managed to be allowed the full week off to process everything. The school knew he was highly emotional and so thought this was best for him.

All volleyball teams and any other people who knew Akaashi was sent the news about the situation. Bokuto was thankful he had some who truly cared, another Fukurodani Third year had offered to take over practice if needed so Bokuto didn't have to come if he didn't want to.

The other captains all shared the condolences for Bokuto and offered to help in any way they could. Everyone was there for him, and he was grateful, but it wasn't the same. It wasn't ever going to be the same, his best friend and lover was gone. He was confused by his own emotions, he lay in his room playing some songs from a playlist. Skipping it every time a song that reminded him of the boy he held so close in his heart.

He pulled the sleeves of his jacket over his hands. Letting out a deep breath, he heard the noise of paws moving around and turned to see Eliza walking over to him, he buried his head into the dog letting himself cry his heart out, petting her as he did to comfort the dog.

Bokuto was always a caring soul, he knew if
he was struggling to cope with this so was she. The felt bad for the dog, she would never fully understand the situation.  She probably just was waiting for Akaashi to come back one day, waiting for him to return.

Bokuto hated it, he hated the fact that this dog Akaashi had adopted would wait day and night for the boy. Not understanding why, he wasn't coming back just waiting for him patiently. He pet the dog again, starting to somewhat settle down only sniffling a few times.

He heard his phone ping so checked it seeing a message from Kuroo. It was so out of context so random.

Hey Bokuto,

Akaashi left something with me a while ago for you. He never told me what is was for or why, but I think it's time I hand it over, so I'll drop it by yours later around 3?

Be Us Against The World (or so I thought)- A bokuaka angst story Where stories live. Discover now