Chapter 8- summer break

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It was the final day of school before summer break, to make their final practice before they broke up for the summer interesting. The team decided to play a load of games rather then actual proper training.

Once practice had ended everyone said goodbye to each other, a fairly emotional one towards the third years. Akaashi having to settle Bokuto down as he started to cry about missing some of the third Years after they graduated.

Bokuto spent his summer holidays being as social as he could, constantly going out to meet anyone he could. He had arranged to meet Akaashi weekly, every Sunday he'd go around to visit the boy. He normally went in the morning and would stay to lunch or longer.

Akaashi on the other hand apart from the meet ups with Bokuto found himself staying inside in his room, working hard on study for school, getting a job to start work experience and looking at next steps in life whether that's an apprenticeship or university. Bokuto was his escape from drowning in all this work and he couldn't form a sentence to tell the boy how much he appreciated it so instead he stayed silent about it.

The two would meet up at each other's home, rotating who's turn it was fortnightly. When with each other they'd watch films, Bokuto would tell Akaashi stories and sometimes they would do a bit of tutoring for Bokuto but most of the time he got distracted by something which half of the time was by Akaashi's calico cat.

The two would hang out till late and those days Akaashi felt safe. So safe he could fall asleep around the boy although he never would, he didn't really like falling asleep around people he never knew why he just hated it.

The two continued to hang out like this every week once a week. It was a peaceful time for the both, Bokuto knew Akaashi even though he would be pretending he didn't mind, he could tell Akaashi sometimes found his energy too much especially during those days when it was clear the setter had been working hard. So, on those days Bokuto would try and be calmer, Akaashi was thankful, but every time told Bokuto to just be himself. He felt guilty and blamed himself on those days when Bokuto would flap and tap with his hands a lot more often or would hop in the same spot.

Over time Bokuto gave in and would just be himself, he smiled brighter every time thankful for Akaashi for accepting him. He enjoyed being able to not have to hide himself around Akaashi.

It was the last Tuesday before school started again, the two were going to meet at Bokuto's house since it was that week. Akaashi decided to walk, he followed the route he always did having one earphone in so he could listen out to surroundings, he was always anxious about travelling since his parents would always warn him with all these horrific stories about what happened to people when they had revealing clothes or both headphones in.

He took a few deep breaths to settle himself, keeping his hands in his pocket as he walked down the final street. He arrived at Bokuto's house, taking his hand out his pocket to knock on the door seeing it swing open so greeted Bokuto. The boy let him in and Akaashi as always took his shoes off, placed them by the door waiting for Bokuto to lead the way.

The taller boy of the two grabbed the shorter's hand and led him upstairs, the two sat in Bokuto's room and started to watch some films. Bokuto noticed Akaashi was in a silent mood today so gave him some space, he fidgeted a few times wanting to do something but didn't want to invade. Akaashi noticed this so looked over to Bokuto.

"Bokuto- San what's wrong?"

"oh- nothing- nothing! It's okay!"

"Bokuto- San you can tell me."

"okay- it's just... I wanted to hug you as we watched the film."

"oh, I see."


"no, it's okay, you can if you want to."

Bokuto smiled, shuffling carefully and wrapped an arm around Akaashi to make sure he was okay, fully hugging him when the smaller boy leaned into him.

Be Us Against The World (or so I thought)- A bokuaka angst story Where stories live. Discover now