Chapter 17- it hurts Kōtarō

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it was a normal day, On Thursday 16th March, Bokuto went to morning practice and played like normal. Everything was going well, Bokuto had decided it was going to be a good day. his mood was slightly more improved ever since Akaashi was hospitalized, not 100% Kōtarō Bokuto but getting there. slowly, he was slowly returning. the team split into two small teams again and Bokuto's team had won. the ace having a massive confidence boost going back to himself a small bit not as loud nor as energetic but managing to shout a "i'm the greatest ace to ever exist!". the team softly chuckled in a 'we're laughing with you' way towards Bokuto. the boy beamed back seeing practice had ended so immediately without second thought rushed out the doors into the changing rooms and basically threw the clothes on himself, carelessly shoving them in his bag. Once his volleyball uniform was away, he burst out the doors nearly hitting one of the other team players in the face with said door as he charged out. the race to Akaashi had started, Bokuto's feet hitting the ground could be heard down the street almost an unofficial calling to Akaashi to let him know he was coming to visit.

as he did every day Bokuto burst into the doors, quickly signing in as he had to and went down to room 304. he repeated a few words under his breath as we sped walked down to the hall. he eventually got to the room and stopped taking a few deep breaths to regain his breath not wanting to be panting as he tried to talk to Akaashi. once somewhat settled he walked into the room and sat down on the floor again, holding Akaashi's hand and starting to tell stories.

"i got a C in my english test today! that tutor programme you recommended to me before...... um- the programme helps! and I'm third- wheeling Kuroo's date later because everyone is busy! but that's okay.... i scored a lot of points in the practice match today i got 15 of the winning 25! are you proud of me Keiji? i know i'm proud of you for fighting for this long. you've been asleep for a few weeks but that's okay i know you're tired! we all get tired sometimes... you're doing amazing though!"

Bokuto gently rubbed small circles on Akaashi's hand as he admired the boy. he looked so peaceful. he placed his head on the bed, just admiring Akaashi. that's when he heard it a weak voice, a small voice.


Bokuto perked his head up, like a puppy seeing his owner again his eyes lit up. "Keiji? KEIJI!"

Akaashi flinched at the noise, Bokuto held a scared look on his face. "Sorry Keiji! I'm so-" Bokuto felt a tear roll down his cheek as he moved to sit by Akaashi's head.


"yea Keiji?"

"it hurts..."

"what hurts Keiji? what does it tell me... i'll got get help! I'll- I can help!"

Bokuto jumped up and paced slightly, jumping towards the door. then stopping, walking a few steps to Akaashi back to the door, all over the place. Hiding a Panic, yet certain people who were close enough to the boy could tell when he hides an emotion, his eyes tell the story. his eyes were screaming in panic. the boy was rushing around trying to help in anyway he could yet unsure how. it felt like Deja- Vu. he shook his head violently trying not to worry Akaashi but wanting to clear his mind of the image... that horrifying image that would scar him of the prettiest setter he had ever met lying in a blood pool pouring from his arms.

"everything Kōtarō.... it all hurts"

"it's okay, i'll get the doctor! he will help you... yea? he can help, he'll stop the hurt."

"I'm scared....Kōtarō..."

"It's okay Keiji! i'll go get the doctor and he can help."

"Kōtarō 'im scared... please."

"Keiji it's okay, just fight a little longer, okay? i'll get the Dr and he can help. he can stop the hurt."

"No Bokuto... i can't. i can't anymore-"

Hearing his last name. hearing the word 'Bokuto's lip from Akaashi's mouth really brought him to a freeze as tears threatened to spill over. the room was dead silent apart from the beep of the heart rate monitor. Akaashi glanced at him then back down as his hands. "Keiji, look at me. you're strong! you can fight."


"let's fight together! come on it can be us against the world!"

"Kōtarō...." Akaashi weakly smiled, starting to struggle to keep his eyes open, his head starting to droop down again.

"No no no no Keiji! please! it's okay i'v got you! I'll help you fight" Bokuto dropped himself to sit by Akaashi's head gently holding the boy's hand "see! i'm here. let's call the doctor and he can help!"

"Kōtarō...... i'm sorry"

"no Keiji...... come on stay awake please."

"thank you for coming into my life Kōtarō. I love you."

Akaashi dropped his smile and allowed his eyes to shut.

Bokuto's face reddened as tears started to spill. "Keiji...... please i need you."

the heart rate monitor to slow, the beeps having a wider silence between them. the silence between each beep grew, each beep started to silence itself.

"i'll find you again Keiji.... i promise you that."

that's when Bokuto heard it the dreaded noise of the flatline, he felt the small hand in his drop as the boy passed on. he couldn't stop it the tears split over; he was sobbing uncontrollably. Doctors filed in to sort the scene and escort a fighting Bokuto out.

"sir, I do apologise for your loss but there is nothing we can do know apart from contact his family. but you have to accept the fact he's gone."

Bokuto in a state of denial tried to shout but his voice being weak from the shock of the boy dying by his side was more of fragile and soft however the hidden emotion in it was not.

"he's not gone! NO, he isn't Keiji is sleeping and your machine is broken!"

"sir i can assure you the machine is not-"


"sir... please there are other patients."

Bokuto opened his mouth but no words falling out, walked off his shoulders slumped as he did. he walked down the halls in silence, each voice being a reminder of the situation.

Be Us Against The World (or so I thought)- A bokuaka angst story Where stories live. Discover now