Chapter 7- nationals

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A few months had passed the days being pretty similar, of just morning practice, school and then evening practice. Akaashi had started to study more often meaning he would sometimes miss an evening practice. At first, Bokuto hated it but as time went on, he got used to it, the team found it harder to manage when he would emo mode, but they managed to get him through it.

The team had a match against Karasuno, the flightless crows. This was their final battle to decide whether or not they got into nationals.
It was going to be tense a match for both teams. Everyone was aroused over this match, Karasuno were hyping each other up. Mostly trying to get Asahi to calm down and stop their first years at the time Tanaka and Nishinoya to settle down since they were scaring Asahi.
Meanwhile, Fukurodani were trying to get Bokuto to stop bouncing off the walls. They all sighed in defeat as he didn't, Akaashi walked over making sure not to scare the boy but grabbed his hands and silently forced him to stand still. Bokuto buzzed from excitement still but stood looking at Akaashi, he beamed at him. Bokuto admired the boy in front of him having to break eye contact after a bit.

"Bokuto- San, please settle down for a bit"

"Okay! I can do that AGhaashi."

Bokuto immediately pulled his hands away from the boy, flapping them a bit to try and not bounce around, Akaashi watched this and was able to tell it was hard for Bokuto to stay stood still like asked so gave him a nod with a slow blink as if to signal 'go on then'.

The two teams met to start that match officially and continued to play, Fukurodani playing with ease all being in sync while Karasuno struggled to connect with each other. Bokuto shouting in joy at every score his team earned and sulking every time the other team scored a point.
The team of the crows took a time-out so the players could try to make a plan so Fukurodani took this opportunity to regain their breath, due to personal reasons Akaashi sat on the floor staring down to stop his head from spinning. Bokuto saw this and walked over dropping himself down next to Akaashi.
"Are you okay 'Kaashi?"
"yea I'm fine Bokuto- San. Just keeping myself settled before we start again."

"oh Okay!"

The time-up was over so the teams got back into position to continue playing.

After an intense two sets, Fukurodani took the win meaning they moved on to the nationals, the team celebrated with each other before going over to talk to the other team to thank them for the match. Karasuno nodded and shook hands with the players saying goodbye and the two teams parted ways. Karasuno walked off to go catch their transportation home while Fukurodani hung around the nationals building taking in the environment knowing they'd be playing in it soon enough. The team slowly walked out to head to the bus, Bokuto stayed a little longer and Akaashi stayed with him.

"Hey 'Kaashi?"

"Yea Bokuto-San?"

"One day when I'm older, I want to play volleyball in the big leagues! Everyone will be watching and know my name! I'll be known as the best ace ever!"

"I'm sure you will Bokuto- San, everyone will know you."

"And then I want my lover to be in the stands so then I can turn and see them watching me, a proud smile on their face as I score the winning point!"

"That would be great wouldn't it."

"Yup! And I'd make it so they can have the most relaxed life ever as I will earn as much money with volleyball as possible!"

"I'm sure they'd love that."

"Say what's your dream future, cuz mine I want to play volleyball, have a family whether it's kid or pets and live with my lover till we're old! I'm going to live till I'm 130 years old! But I want to know yours."

"I guess just to be able to do something I enjoy I spend time with the people I love. I never had a set life plan."

"Oh, I see"

"Anyway, we should head back before the bus leaves without us."

"Okay! Race ya there!"

Akaashi smiled softly watching Bokuto charge off not really racing but following behind at a first walk.

Be Us Against The World (or so I thought)- A bokuaka angst story Where stories live. Discover now