Chapter 6- the match

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The school day had ended and Bokuto rushed off to the gym seeing the team had already started to set up for him.

"sorry I'm late! My English teacher wanted to go to the support area with me to talk about...... something but yeah!"

"it's okay Bokuto- San, no need to be sorry. We're just waiting for shiratorizawa to turn up."


Bokuto walked off to get dressed smiling brightly at Akaashi as he passed, one of the third-year middle blockers for the team walked over to Akaashi starting a conversation. The setter subconsciously pulled his jacket sleeves more over his hands as he listened to the teammate talking.

"Bokuto-kun has really taken a liking to you. He's always been a people person, but we've never seen him like this".

"I see"

Bokuto exited the changing rooms going to stand by Akaashi, waiting to see what mind set Akaashi had wanting to hug him again but stopped himself so instead wandered off to go pick the best ball to play with.

The opposition team had finally arrived and as always, they did a greet before going into the gym and getting ready to start a match.

Fukurodani served first having Bokuto being their first server, he hit it with power. His face scrunched up as he watched the middle blocker for the eagles, Satori Tendou follow and block the ball. He immediately snapped out of it as he watched the ball be saved and sent to Akaashi so ran over to get the ball set to him. As the ball was travelling Akaashi assessed the situation trying to find the best spot to send, deciding where Bokuto was currently bouncing on the spot would be the best area. He set the ball to the spike haired ace watching him smack it down and go racing off in a cheer.

Shiratorizawa had their turn to serve, they picked Ushijima to do. Fukurodani team watched as the ball flew across the court towards them, heading for Akaashi. The boy kept a close eye on the ball stepping back to receive it managing to but not being able to get anywhere due to the sheer force of the ball and the stinging sensation it had left in his arms. Akaashi shook his arms to get rid of the pain, staring down and getting ready to continue on as the eagles took that point.

The game continued on and was a tie with 24 points for both teams meaning it was all down to this point over who won the first set.

Every single player was now working harder than ever not wanting to be the reason they lost the first set. Akaashi set the ball for Bokuto watching him spike it, muttering and cursing to himself as it got sent right to the libero. Akaashi gave Bokuto a small 'are you okay?' look continuing to focus on the ball. It continued on like this for a while until Ushijima spiked the ball, Bokuto raced to catch being a second to slow and watched as it hit the floor. The captain for Fukurodani stood for a second in shock before starting to sulk. Akaashi watched his happen and walked over.

"Bokuto- San?"

"I'm sorry......"

"no need to be. It happens, I was closer I should have done something. It wasn't your fault, come on we can still win it's only the first set."

Bokuto looked up at Akaashi nodding to him, suddenly remembering how often Akaashi would winch when his arms got hit so went to grab them to check on it for him. Apologizing massively when Akaashi pulled away, the setter told him it was okay, but Bokuto promised himself he would figure out why it happened to help and make it up to the boy.

Be Us Against The World (or so I thought)- A bokuaka angst story Where stories live. Discover now