Chapter 3- its okay

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Meanwhile Bokuto went home for the day, he got home and called out into the home getting no response walked around shutting the front door behind him. He sighed noticing a note saying his parents had gone out again. He didn't mind but it seemed to happen more often and Bokuto found he needed people around to keep his negative thoughts at bay. The minute he was alone it all bubbled to the surface.

The owl-looking boy put his bag down, grabbed his phone and texted a few of his friends, the volleyball group chat and Akaashi. He silently huffed and held a small pout when Akaashi wasn't responding sending a few more messages, feeling a bit upset about it but decided to give him some time, making himself believe that maybe Akaashi didn't have his phone with him, so the captain put his phone down and walked towards the kitchen. He rummaged around for something to eat, not wanting to cook after he nearly burnt his house down. He felt his phone buzz in his hand so turned to it seeing it was just the volleyball group chat.

Bokuto decided to talk to a few more people, calling Kuroo so he could chat with his rooster-haired friend. He huffed when Kuroo didn't answer seeing a message come through from him so read it, sighing becoming a little upset. He couldn't help but worry that no one really had time for him and they only dealt with him at school because they had to. He hugged himself muttering "it's okay, they're busy. They're just busy that's all."

He put his phone down walking out of the room before returning to collect his phone, immediately forgetting what he was going to do. Suddenly remembering Bokuto called up the pizza place to order dinner. Having to hold back the urge to shout in excitement.

Once his order was placed, he sorted out the table for himself as he waited, checking the group chat for the captains to see if anyone was free for a practice match. He beamed in excitement when Ushijima responded to say that they could arrange something, Bokuto texted back immediately with a load of dates. The two captains agreed to meet during evening practice for Fukurodani.

Bokuto started to text his team chat to let them know getting distracted by the doorbell so went over before racing off to grab the money and then returning to the door. He saw the delivery guy so thanked him and paid him for the food, taking the pizza. He walked into the kitchen served it up and started to eat.

Once he had finished he collected all the rubbish and disposed of it before washing the dishes he used and putting them away. He stared around the room trying to remember what he was meant to do, not able to recall anything grabbed his bag and phone heading up to his room. He put his bag down and packed it for the next door before going off to get showered and ready to get all warm and cosy in his bed.

Once ready for bed in his Pyjamas which had small owls printed all over them, he curled himself in the duvets to get warm turning the tv and putting on one of his favourite things to watch.

After his show ended he turned the tv off texting all his friends good night. He gave off a small sad noise when he saw nothing had come through from Akaashi. He forced himself to think nothing of it as he lay himself down, rolling into his stomach and getting himself comfy before shutting his eyes to drift off to sleep.

Be Us Against The World (or so I thought)- A bokuaka angst story Where stories live. Discover now