Chapter 14- why dont i take a break

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As the week passed, Bokuto and Akaashi found they had less time to hang out with Akaashi taking on extra school activities and Bokuto being super social. The two didn't mind as they would call or text in the evenings each day and fill each other in one their day.

Akaashi would usually have his camera off when they called, Bokuto did feel upset this but never said anything as to not cross any boundaries between the two. The setter would always multitask during their calls, he'd always be working on something but never told Bokuto.

He also never told Bokuto that his mental health was still dropping he'd hold a fake 'I'm okay' act whenever the two met up or called. Bokuto unfortunately could never see through this act. He believed the boy he loved was okay and was feeling better. He did love himself and felt confident. If only he knew the truth.

Bokuto would always be the first to end their call always going off to do something, not instead of talking to Akaashi but normally his parents would want him or some other reason.

The two decided to hang out Friday evening after practice, they had agreed to go to Bokuto's house. Akaashi would stay the night if he still wanted to and Bokuto would introduce Akaashi as his boyfriend to his parents.

Practice had ended everyone tired and out of breath so they all took a minute to catch their breath before getting changed out of their kit and back into their uniforms. Once everyone was ready to leave they all gathered for a quick after session assessment to find ways to improve as a team.

Once they finished their talk, everyone slowly left. All heading in their own ways, Bokuto smiled at Akaashi. He gently held his hand and led the boy towards the exit before heading home, he swung their hands as he walked. Talking about anything and everything, Akaashi listened to him asking a few questions just to keep the conversation going.

They arrived at their destination and walked in, Bokuto smiled at Akaashi. He pulled his hand away and went looking around the house, Akaashi followed. Eventually Bokuto found his parents, turning to check Akaashi was with him before speaking.

"mum? Dad? Can I talk to you quickly"

Bokuto's mum stood up turning to the boy "Sure Ko, what's up?"

"nothing's wrong! I just wanted you to meet someone"

"alright" the boy's dad stood up.

Bokuto walked to the kitchen, dragging Akaashi with him. He waited for his parents in there seeing them arrive so smiled before speaking up again. Gently reaching for Akaashi's hand to comfort him.

"Um so first of- I don't-" Bokuto started to get nervous struggling to form sentences, so Akaashi gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. Bokuto felt this and made eye contact with Akaashi quickly before breaking it and turning back to face his parents. Not fully making eye contact

"well to start off, I like guys and I'm dating one"

Bokuto looked up at his parents to see their reaction, seeing they didn't look upset or annoyed at him but instead encouraging and proud so he continued to talk.

"and I wanted you to meet him! So mum, dad this is Akaashi."

Akaashi smiled and greeted them giving the family some space while they talked and congratulated their son. He stood to the side wondering how it felt to not have to do anything to have that feeling he watched before him. He sighed to himself and continued to stay to the side. He knew he was barely hanging on with everything anymore, his motivation from everything he loved was gone. He decided to stay the night if he was still allowed to, spend some more time with Bokuto since something in his gut told him it may not last forever.

Be Us Against The World (or so I thought)- A bokuaka angst story Where stories live. Discover now