Chapter 2- Im sorry I'll do better

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That day after school and then evening practice, Akaashi went home, he checked his phone not opening any of his messages though. He only checked in case his parents had contacted him or what his study plan was for that evening. He read it over before putting his phone away, unlocked the front door to his house, and walked in.

He greeted his parents As he entered the house and went upstairs to his room. He immediately placed his bag down and started to grab his study notes, he started to organize his desk to make space for him to work. Once ready to start studying he walked downstairs.

"Mum, Dad I just wanted to let you know I'm going to be studying so if you call, I might not hear you."

"Okay," his father responded, the tone uninterested and bored. Keiji didn't say anything waiting a few seconds before turning around and walking off. He went back to his room and started up his playlist on his headphones putting them to a loud volume to block everything out as he started to make notes, and flashcards as well as do some exam questions for all his subjects.

After ten minutes of studying the black-haired setter gulped trying to force his tears away, everything hitting him at once. He was alone so he could break down, he wanted to but instead, no tears would come out. he couldn't get any emotion all he felt was his heart breaking at the pain. He heard his phone ping and turned his attention to it, seeing a few new notifications, a certain message catching his eyes. He sighed and opened it.

~Hey Akaashi,

I'm sorry for this but look I need to vent, and I trust you the most. It's just my boyfriend is spending time together with this new girl and I'm getting a weird vibe about her and they're really close and all touchy with each other and they keep making jokes about me while I'm there and...~

He read over the long paragraph of text, responding to the sentences as he went along. After reading it all, he triple-checked his response editing a few sentences to sound more polite about what the point he was trying to get across was. He turned his attention as the door opened seeing his mum stood at the door.

"So, this is studying, is it?"

"No mum, my friend was upset, and I took a small break to text them because they needed to vent."

"It's not good enough Keiji, you say want to get an A in all your subjects but then you do stuff like this. If you want to get these grades

you have to study hard. I can't hold your hand forever."

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"You say this every time. Look Keiji it's your life You are ruining it by doing things like this don't blame me when you can't work in the jobs you want to."

Keiji just avoided eye contact he didn't want to argue back he knew it would just worsen the situation.

"I came up here to tell you that one dinner is ready and two we have to talk to you about something."

"I'll be right there." 

Keiji's mum nodded and walked out of the room. The boy sighed sending the message and turned his phone off before walking downstairs. He sat down in his usual spot for family dinners which rarely happened, he quietly waited for permission before starting to eat the dinner that was made, making sure to use all his table manners.

"So, Keiji, reports are in for school."

"The reports?"

"Don't act stupid Keiji you know what I mean. Your predicted grades" getting no response Keiji's father continued to talk "it seems you are failing biology, I thought that was your best subject."

"It is"

"Clearly, it's not."

Akaashi felt guilty and undeserving of the food on his plate yet knew he'd feel shit as well if he didn't eat. It was a lose-lose situation. He picked at the food after a few minutes of forcing himself to take a few bites gave up and grabbed his plate, excused himself, and tidied it up. He went to his room and grabbed his phone bringing it downstairs to charge. He then went back upstairs and started to study, he focused on all his subjects. Mostly biology wanting to get his grades as high as he could.

Time had passed, and a lot of time at that. Akaashi looked at the time seeing it was midnight, he sighed looking at the amount of work he did. It wasn't enough... he hadn't finished everything. He checked his task list and moved on to the next thing. He continued for a while.

Akaashi woke up seeing it was roughly 2 am, he sighed knowing he had crashed at his desk. He slowly got up and grabbed everything putting it away, walking downstairs, and grabbed his phone seeing it was fully charged so took it off. He checked over seeing nothing of interest apart from a few extremely excited messages from Bokuto and him being added to the 'Fukurodani' s Volleyball group chat'. He scrolled through it to make sure he did not miss anything important just seeing they had talked about doing a few practices matches with other teams and a few players saying they couldn't make certain practices. Akaashi closed the app and walked back upstairs, he grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around himself. turning his phone back on he checked for any other messages just seeing it was people telling him about their day which he enjoyed they could talk to him, but he wanted them to ask about his day, ask how he was. just show they cared, and he wasn't just their free therapist.

He wrapped the blanket more around himself, sniffling slightly so turned his phone off and stared at the blank wall, tightly closing his eyes to avoid crying. it was silent and peaceful no parents to disturb him, no messages from venting friends, just the sound of an owl hooting or the wind in the trees. Akaashi lay down in his bed turning over and allowing a few silent tears to roll as his mind wandered with self-doubting thoughts.

Be Us Against The World (or so I thought)- A bokuaka angst story Where stories live. Discover now