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Aine strolls past the lush trees lined up on either side of the pathway she walked on. A petrichor scent fills her nose as she passes by, the smell of parched earth after rain still evident. She stole a peek at the translucent barrier closing in behind her back, the protection charm knitting together until there wasn't a single gap for anyone to pass, not even a fly. 

She gazed at the rose bushes around her, full in bloom and saturated in red. The colour of the roses was so deep that Aine had thought it had been dyed in blood. It was beautiful. The petals quavered when the after-rain wind blew by and glistening in the rain droplets that had settled onto the flower was the moonlight like tiny opals. 

She tore her sight away from the flowers and her gaze only lingered blankly ahead at the large majestic iron gates and the massive manor that belonged to the Malfoys. It was where she had lived now that she couldn't go back to Hogwarts or her own home. It was a prison moulded into a home by the one person many had feared.

Her eyelids fluttered when she stood before the entrance doors, she could sense him already from where she stood. The overwhelming presence of Lord Voldemort and his underlings that had resided beyond the thick wooden doors; the strong bloodlust that was already making her fingers twitch, alluring her to inflict harm on someone and enjoy the process of reaping their lives. The memory of Dumbledore falling over the railings of the Astronomy Tower after being hit by the fatal killing curse was still freshly ingrained in her head. It happened just last night only after all.

A shallow sigh left her slightly parted lips and she looks up to the black wooden doors. It was such a long night and she was exhausted to the core. She was drained mentally and physically too. 

'Be strong, my love...'

She glanced over to the tender silver eyes, watching her clouded gold ones reflect in his. A small smile spread across her lips and she blinks slowly at Draco. She relayed the same words of encouragement to him and he lightly squeezes her hand in response.

They had to be strong now.

Stronger than before, stronger than ever. Their hearts had to be strong for them to not crumble.

Gathering her strength, she pushes the door open with Draco. The heavy ebony doors of the Malfoy Manor swung open, groaning loudly like a dragon waking up from its slumber. As it opens, only a foreboding silence followed. Aine heard a quivering breath exhaled next to her and she looks over to Draco in concern. He was completely frozen, shocked and speechless at how contrasting his home looked. 

It was just a year since he left his home for Hogwarts and it already appears so drastically different. Everything was pretty much still the same— The walls, pieces of furniture, lighting, and decorations. Yet there was just something that made it feel so foreign to him. His eyes adverted to the crackling fireplace in the corner of the room, it offered little to no warmth but only reminded him of how Hagrid's Hut had gone up in flames. The atmosphere of his home was so dense too, the silence used to offer him solace but now, he felt suffocated. It feels like he could be devoured by the solemn place.

Aine gave Draco's hand a little nudge, snapping him from his daze when she spotted two shadows descend from the grand staircase ahead. A gasp left the platinum blonde-haired boy when the faces of the shadows emerged into the small light. He looked so confused when he saw who it was beside his mother, but he was unable to hide his relief when he recognized the person. 

Still hesitant, Aine strokes Draco's knuckles with her thumb and he met her eyes. She nodded to him and lets go of his hand to allow him to go forward to meet with his parents. 

Tears gathered in Narcissa's eyes as she opened her arms open for her son to hug her. When she felt her little boy that wasn't so little anymore in her arms, she exhales shakily and embraced Draco wholeheartedly. She had missed him so much that words couldn't describe what she was feeling when Draco was back home and holding her. She was beyond elated and she only hugs him tight.

UNBREAK | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 5)Where stories live. Discover now