[ 09 ]

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Aine and Draco sat by the courtyard outside of the girl's room. After being apart for nearly a month despite living under the same roof, the two finally spent some time together. It wasn't exactly one that was buoyant, unlike the previous times, considering how they had recently been tasked to murder the one and only great wizard who was also their Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

Who would have imagined they'll be spending their fifth and sixth year plotting an assassination? Or rather, who would have seen it coming that a pair of teenagers were planning to kill a person?

Even so, the couple had tried to enjoy the little peace they had left before the new school year comes. It was mid of summer and although the Sun had been strong, thick cushion-like clouds had covered the star. The warmness from the Sun and the gust of wind had made both Aine and Draco drowsy. 

Draco peeped open an eye, looking up to Aine who had stopped reading out loud from her Potions book and had fallen quiet five minutes ago. A smile tugged on his lips as he watches her dozing off, her heading nodding away every few seconds. Slowly, he slips away from laying on her lap, careful not to wake her up. He got up and gently seize the thick book out of her hand and placed it aside before pulling her close to him, letting her head lean on his shoulder to nap.

For once, the manor was tranquil without any Deatheaters parading in and out as they pleased. His aunt and her insufferable companion Cal had not been around and it was just people he had held dear for. Something that was rare since, for the past months, there had been too many eyes on the lookout for him and the Estoileons, too many ears that could hear even the softest of whispers, and too many mouths that uttered nothing but insults and taunts.

He gave a long sigh, tucking a strand of Aine's locks behind her ear as it had been tickling her face, causing the girl to wrinkle her nose. Draco studies her features, her lashes were long and curled and their hair was now nearly the same colour. Her complexion had gotten better during these couple of weeks and her cheeks were still sunken in but had gained a little weight and colour nevertheless. The shadows and bags under her eyes had unfortunately still remained, he knew the girl had difficulty sleeping ever since she had been pulled out of the cellar. 

Aine had trouble with her sleep from that moment forth, occasionally waking up screaming from her nightmares, looking at her wrists to see if the chains were still cuffed to her hands, and scanning her body to see if her flesh had been burnt as soon as she opened her eyes. Aine would also keep all the candles in her room away, and if it was possible, she never wanted to sleep with any candles lit because the flickering flames reminded her of times when she had been charmed to dance in white blazing flames.

It was ironic to the girl, especially since her actions contradicted her views when she killed someone with fire last time. The poor man— Riley, had been engulfed in flames, burning him completely until the only thing that was left was soot and a little of his ashes. What affected her was that it had been the first time she had killed someone. It wasn't just accidentally snapping a stem of a flower or swatting a butterfly but she actually murdered someone. She had been conflicted too, it had been a mistake, she couldn't control her new profound powers but she had been too enraged, too blinded by her madness that when the act had been done, it was already too late.

Aine tried to find herself again amidst all the tribulations. She was beyond terrified that one day she would become a cold-blooded monster like Voldemort, killing others ruthlessly as he did. She had done it before, what's to stop her from committing murder for the second time? At the same time, in that span of time when she had killed Riley, she could still recall the thrill pulsating through her blood, watching someone writhe in pain before their demise. She was disgusted with herself for having such feelings and thoughts of it actually feeling good. 

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