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Draco gazed at Aine, realizing that she had fallen asleep next to him at long last. He was relieved when the medicine for her fever had worked. Just a couple ago, she was burning again. Her forehead glistened with sweat but was now cool and no longer hot. The slight tremors around them had also eased up. However, the only thing that didn't quite make it out well were the flowers he had brought. After the wave of power that broke out during the fever, which had caused some wreckage around, the bundle of flowers in the vase had wilted. Once vibrant with life, now withered grey and black.

The boy's hand was still in hers as she holds onto it, her grip slowly loosening as she drifts off. Her bracelet twinkled from the movement and the moonstone that Remus and Tonks gave her shone brilliantly. Draco smiles tenderly at Aine, marvelling at her beauty as she sleeps. How anyone could be so beautiful even with their eyes closed was a fascinating thing that was also a mystery Draco couldn't quite understand.

His fingers reach to brush away the long raven locks falling into her face, then to her curled lashes that were equally long and thick as well. 

She looks like a doll... he thought to himself. Perhaps that was why Sirius had used to call her that... Draco recalled the time at the Ministry of Magic when they were battling against their foes. He smiles again, shaking his head lightly when he realizes how lucky he was to have Aine. To even be dating her and for her to share the same feelings he felt. His heart skipped a beat just by admiring the girl. 

Draco's lips curled higher when he heard the soft peaceful breathing of Aine. His eyelids fluttered to a close as the sound made his heart light and his mind calm. He could almost fall asleep himself if he hadn't been reminded of the tasks he ought to accomplish and complete. Thus, causing his lids to shoot right open again. The look in his eyes hardens before he looks out of the darkening skies.


He needed to get it done.

As much as Draco would have loved to join Aine in taking a short nap, he hated that he had to leave as there were more pressing matters to attend to than remaining in his seat. He dragged himself up and got his head back on the mission. Crestfallen, he slowly retracted his hand from Aine's grasp, his palm getting cold without her warmth almost immediately. His eyes softened her before he leans down and plants a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep well, love. I'll be back..." he whispered, careful not to wake her from her tranquil slumber. Draco's silver orbs dart to the half-opened arched window, meeting Hestia's narrowed eyes. He exchanged looks with the owl for a moment and when the bird closes her eyes, he cautiously strokes the midnight feathers that seemed to shine more under the moonlight. "Look after her for me until I come back, will you, 'Tia?" he requested his lover's feathery companion earnestly.

Hestia opened her amber-coloured eyes and gave Draco a slow blink, almost to show her acknowledging and accepting his request. For once, Hestia had not bit or attacked the boy, nor did she reject his touch of affection. 

Hiding his surprise and delight, Draco grins at the owl. After a few more affectionate pets, he pulls back his fingers, not wanting to take the bird's graciousness for granted by stroking her any longer than needed.

Looks like we've grown closer, Draco said in his mind. Suddenly, he was excited to share the news with Aine. However, he held himself back from wanting to abruptly wake her up and disrupt her sleep. He knew that she would be happy to learn that they were slowly becoming closer on good terms. But for now, that will have to wait until she wakes up when she has enough rest.

Draco spared another glance to Aine before leaving the Hospital Wing to the Room of Requirement. There was still much to fix in order for the Vanishing Cabinet to be successfully operating.

UNBREAK | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 5)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang