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Nearly three weeks had passed since Aine had been left in the Malfoy Manor's cellar— three weeks since she had last seen her brother and she could only hope that he was doing better than her, alive hopefully. Almost a month full of endless tortures and being controlled like a puppet, unable to break out of the trance that had full control of her body. Her mind, however, was fully conscious as she knew what she had been put through. 

The Deatheaters had taken turns playing with the girl, messing with her mind in hopes that she would give them what they want, the location of her mother, Aris. No matter how much Aine had been put through, or how painful the tortures were, she did not speak, nor did Aris come back. 

At times, the girl would wonder, why was she going to such an extent to protect her mother, not knowing whether Aris was alive or dead. She wondered why she couldn't just comply with Voldemort's people and sell her mother off so she would be free of misery. Aine couldn't fathom why she was being so faithful and loyal to the mother who had left her and no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't get an answer.

She was holding out longer than anyone had expected, to the point it even surprised the Dark Lord himself. Aine's endurance had exceeded all of their expectations, many had thought she would give in to them within the first few days. Yet, here she was, nearly a month in without any intentions of yielding to them. However, if there was one thing Aine knew. It was that she was on the brink of breaking and giving up hope. And that was what they wanted, drag it out as long as they could and eventually, hoping she would give in and yield to them.

The darkness in the basement became somewhat both solace and fear to her. She had been down here for weeks that even a single light would have blinded her if she were to be exposed to it suddenly. Aine found it hard to differentiate between being under the control of the Imperious curse and having mastery of her own self. Everything felt like a dream because it was dark like reality. And that was the most dangerous thing, it was the fact that the line between both worlds was thin and Aine was having trouble distinguishing it. She was completely ravaged physically, mentally and emotionally by the countless tortures she had been through. 

Cal and Bellatrix especially had been rather 'generous' with their punishments, they would play with her mind, tearing through the walls she had placed around her thoughts to protect herself. Her mind was the only thing left that was keeping her whole because she was reminded that she had to live to get her revenge for her father, save Aion, repay Narcissa and Draco and see all of her precious friends again. She missed them all dearly and the thought of never having to see them again made her tremble. She longed for them dearly and would wonder how were they during all this time. And every night, she would think of their faces to gain strength and say their names like a prayer to remind herself to be strong.

Aion. Harry. Ron. Hermione. Ginny. George. Fred. Luna. Neville. Remus. Tonks. Mr and Mrs Weasley. Draco. Mrs Malfoy. Blaise. Cyrus, all of them...

Yet, like the pitiful weak candle flame, her hopes were slowly burning away and the idea of seeing them all again was getting further, and further away. It was an endless cycle of being knocked over the edge, holding onto the little optimism she had and watching it all slip through her grasp. 

And each time, no matter how much she pleaded to be free of such pain, the gods made her survive it. She was exhausted, broken and in so much anguish that dying would be a relief. Nevertheless, Aine managed to live past each day that went by but a part of her was slowly withering away. 

It had also been a week since Snape had seen Aine, for the past few weeks, the only sole reason he has for coming every time was to check on her— To keep her alive and breathing no matter what. Her condition would deteriorate gravely, showing him a side he didn't know the girl had. A piece of the girl was slowly disintegrating each time, and her heart was corrupted with hatred and something darker. 

UNBREAK | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 5)Where stories live. Discover now