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Aine wasn't always someone who hated the company of her friends, in fact, she very much likes being surrounded by them. Especially those she calls her dear, precious friends: Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Luna and even Harry. That was before her father passed and everything seem to go downhill from that moment forward. They were the ones who made Hogwarts fun, even during the toughest of times she found comfort, encouragement and positive vibes from them. 

Then, here she was now. Ever so conflicted and tensed around them that she wanted to just disappear from sight and be forgotten like the passing clouds outside the windows. She still found solace from them, though it was diminishing away whenever she remembers who she was and what she had to do. Desperately, Aine clings to the little fragment of peace and warmth from her lovely friends. The seed of her guilt blossomed darker within her, the thorns pricking at her conscience.

"You have no idea how difficult the paper was!" Ron groans, throwing his head back as he talks about the potion paper he sat for. He stuffed his mouth with the chocolates given to Aine by her other friends, relieving the stress from the exams by eating.

"I'm sure you did your best," Hermione reassures him, showing a gentler side to Ron now that she decides to take a leap of faith and allow her heart to show affection. Her words surprised Ron when he realized he has never heard his brunette friend comfort him in such a manner after examinations. Usually, she would point out his flaws and reprimand him for not studying hard enough. 

Ron blushed at Hermione's words and Aine giggled as she watches her carrot-head friend bashfully cover his flushed face with the packaging box of the Chocolate Frog, pretending he was scrutinizing the little tiny chocolate bits inside it.

Her eyes peered over to Ginny who was chatting with Luna. Her best friend had recently broken up with Dean Thomas after realizing they weren't much compatible. The look in her eyes resembled the familiar fire she once had that Aine has not seen in a long while, since it was either downcast or redden from crying. Even though it was for a short while that Ginny had been attached to Dean and despite all the arguments, she ended the relationship on a good note and decided to remain as friends.

Perhaps there might be even a chance for her to get on with the boy she had a crush on for the longest time now. Aine did hear from Ron once that Harry and Ginny both returned to the common room after ridding the Half-Blood Prince's copy of the Advanced Potion-making book with blushing faces. She could only imagine what happened during the time she was abed.

Her Gryffindor friends and Luna had all come over to visit her after their last papers, celebrating the end of their examinations as they all buzzed amongst themselves about their plans for the holidays. In the middle of it all, Aine only found herself growing smaller at the thought of the future— Of what will happen once the school year ends.

"Isn't that right, Ai?" Ginny asks the girl who snapped at her with a confused gaze.

"Yeah, I'm sure we could make it work," she replied to her friend's question about her coming to the Burrow for the holidays. A promise that Aine was certain that she would not be able to uphold.

"Great! Hey, maybe you can bring Aion along! My brothers miss him and would love to hear about his stories of Beauxbaton!" Ginny said, leaning towards Aine with bright excited eyes. "Oh, did you know that Fleur— That girl who was your brother's friend from Beauxbaton is dating my older brother, Bill too? I just realize I haven't told you that!" she rambles on.

"Ginny said Ron was jealous about that," Luna commented from the side, dreamily looking from the windows to Aine.

"Is that so?" Aine replied shortly. Suddenly remembering Fleur Delacour, the last she has seen her was about two years ago. She recalled Aion mentioning her once during their past conversations but ever since he had been taken to the Malfoy Manor along with her, there wasn't much news of the beautiful and sweet French young woman. All she hopes was that they were doing fine.

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