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(Trigger Warning: Mentions of Torture, Blood, Abuse)

Many moons had passed since the last time Draco had seen Aine and Aion, and even though they were living under the same roof, he wasn't allowed to see either of them. Things were getting bleaker each day and he had lost hope trying to be okay with it. Ever since Voldemort had returned and his father was captured after the Battle at the Ministry, everything had gone downhill from then on. With Elliot's passing, the Deatheaters intruding into his home, his family falling from grace, and Aine and Aion being captured and held captive, he had been confined in his quarters. 

Draco hated it, he never wished for any of this to happen but there was nothing he could do. Even his mother had tried to soften the resolve of the Dark Lord, to no avail. It wasn't her fault either... 

His eyes stared blankly at the small frame, it was a picture that Aion had taken of him with Aine during the last Christmas party. Both of them leaned onto one another as they smiled sweetly at the camera. A dry laugh escaped his lips, it felt like it had been so long since he had felt such happiness. It was the only thing that was keeping him sane while he was trapped in his own room. He had lost count of the number of times he tried to break out, everything that had been destroyed in his efforts of fleeing had been repaired in a blink of an eye every single time. It was suffocating but he clung to the thought of how things will be fine one day, he was willing to give himself the chance to even imagine it.

The pipe dream he had been fantasizing about had been broken when he heard his doorknob turn to unlock itself. Although the Sun was falling, it was still early for his meals. That was the only time he was allowed out of his room after all. He simply remained by the edge of his bed, not bothering to tear his eyes away from the pictures of his friends he had kept. He was certain that this was probably another one of their petty tricks to make him leave, only to be put in pain for attempting to run away from this prison-like bedroom of his.

"What is it?" he questions glumly, sensing the presence of his aunt. 

The door had swung open gently, revealing his mother and his deranged aunt Bellatrix. His hatred for his aunt had intensified and he made no effort to conceal it. Narcissa wore a solemn expression, keeping herself together for the sake of her son while her sister smirked at Draco.

With her angular wand, Bellatrix tore through the barrier that had prevented her nephew from escaping and released the enchantment that had locked him. "Come on, sweetie," she encourages with a gentle voice. "The Dark Lord is waiting for you downstairs. He has finally granted you freedom from your incarceration!" she cheers with a twisted curl of her lips.

Her nephew turned around, shooting her a hesitant look. He eyes her nervously, watching her strut into his room like she owned the place. She had held great love for her nephew despite him not feeling the same, in fact, he was revolted by her. Bellatrix linked her arm around Draco's and nudged him along, out of his room happily. His mother trod behind them in silence.

He cast a quick glance at Narcissa as they pass through the corridors, the portraits whispering like mice as if not wanting to be heard but they were being awfully terrible at keeping to themselves. Draco could literally hear them loud and clear and for once, he actually wished they were regular portraits who would just shut up. He furrowed at his mother for answers. 

What is the meaning of this, mother? He spoke to her in his mind, knowing very well that she could hear his thoughts. He only grew more anxious when she had adverted her gaze away, there was no reply from her lips and mind. A loud sigh escaped from him when she didn't give him an answer and the corner of his mouth pursed together. He turned back to the front, eyeing down at his polished shoes as they move alternately. He was dragging his feet, not wanting to be in the same room breathing the same air as the Dark Lord, himself.

UNBREAK | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 5)Where stories live. Discover now