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"Long time no see, Georgie..."

George Weasley wasted no more before he wrapped his arms over Aine Estoileon, his surprise at her sudden appearance had made him lose all focus besides the girl. His fear of her not returning turned into relief when he held her in his arms. His brows contorted together as he caressed her long black locks, and he seals his eyes to take in her warmth. George had missed her so much that words had failed him.

Aine allowed herself to be in his hold, she could feel him shaking very lightly as he hugged her. She rubbed his back and George's frame towered her, cranking his head to rest on her shoulders. A faint sigh escaped Aine, she had missed him too. "How are you doing, George?" she asks softly.

George pulls away, scanning Aine with a tender gaze. He noticed the shadows under her eyes, how her cheeks had sunk in, she had clearly lost some weight. Her lips even looked stiff even as she smiles, forcing herself to put on a brave front for him. His heart ached at the girl, though she may seem normal on the outside, he saw right through the girl. "I'm doing great, Ai," he replies, feeling a little guilty, especially knowing how crappy Aine must have been feeling all summer. "As you can see, the store's doing well too!" he added, showcasing the flourishing business as he mustered a grin for her.

"That I can tell," Aine chuckled, "I'm proud of the both of you, George. You and Fred deserve all this success!"

The older boy tickled his neck, flustered but he had accepted the compliment. "We wouldn't have done it without the family's help or Harry, or you," he said. 

"Oh! I didn't do anything, you give me too much credit," she replies, waving her hands to dismiss his high praise.

George simpers, "It's true though! You helped us along the way and I'm just sorry we couldn't do much for you in return!" His smile faded away, regretful that he wasn't there for her when she was at the lowest point in her life.

Aine spotted the change in his expression and exhaled through her nose. She gave him a bear hug again to reassure him that it was alright. In fact, she was the one who thought that she had received so much from him instead. "You have given me more strength than I could ever ask for all these years, Georgie. Even now."

The Weasley boy scoffed, refusing to believe her. He ended up giving up trying to argue back and squeezed Aine into his embrace once more. "I'm so sorry, Ai..." he murmured to her. He was utterly devastated for Aine and what she had gone through. When the news of her father's death came, George was in denial and disbelief. He immediately thought of the girl and her brother, nearly rushing out of his own home to head over to the Estoileons' cottage if it wasn't for Fred holding him back. 

It was then when he heard of their disappearance and how the Order went into a frantic panic, did he imagine all of the worst possible outcomes. He kept overthinking daily, praying to all of the gods for the safety of Aine and Aion and how he hoped that nothing bad had happened to them. 

Two months had passed since Aine had gone missing with Aion. For two months, he had heard nothing of them other than a load of bad news of their disappearances, even some of the members of the Order had prepared for the worst. Even so, George continued to pray that the Estoileon siblings were safe. 

Losing a family member was the worst feeling anyone could ever feel, especially when it happened so unexpectedly. He could only imagine the pain that remained, to know that suddenly one day, they were no longer around. The emptiness of their presence, the void of their existence. George was lucky that he hadn't experienced such a horrible thing yet. He never wanted to go through it, let alone think about the possibility of how it may occur to him one day.

"I'm okay, Georgie—" Aine tries to dismiss him.

"Don't lie to me, Ai..." he whispered back and Aine's words fell short. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything... I know... Just— Just let me comfort you for a bit..." he trails off. Even if others do not see the suffering behind Aine's golden pupils, George could see it evidently. Just as before, he always seem to be the one who could differentiate Aine's expression even if it was just a simple smile. He could tell the pain concealed in it.

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