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Time had passed since Aine and Draco had found the Room of Requirement and the Vanishing Cabinet. Both of them had spent a few nights sneaking out of their common rooms at night, feigning deceit that they were doing their prefect duties of patrolling around the school grounds. It was tough to convince their respective partners and friends but eventually, they bought the lie. It was easier for Draco since he often did his tasks alone, though Pansy tried to follow along, she was unsuccessful as the boy had told her off harshly. She soon took a step back and respected his orders, not wanting to fracture the 'friendship' she has with him any further. 

Aine, however, had a harder time selling the lie to her friends. Hermione was slightly concerned when Aine even covered the days she had duties, and she had always done it alone. She couldn't understand why Aine was insisting on it, knowing how busy the younger girl was too. Aine had reassured her friend that she simply wanted to do it to keep herself from overthinking, to be busy doing activities so that she wouldn't think about the pain of losing her father. It haunted her even to this very day.

Even Ron had become puzzled by Aine's behaviour, but he had shaken the doubts he had away. He ended up persuading his fellow prefect to drop her apprehension. They had all believed that Aine had no ill intentions, that she wasn't the kind of girl who would be up to no good. Though what they didn't know was that she was not that kind of girl anymore, she wasn't the Aine Estoileon they knew in the previous years. She had changed, forced to do something she didn't want to do. Yet, it wasn't something she could just tell them so casually. It wasn't as if she could let them know what happened and what she had to do. If she did, they'll be in danger too. 

It wasn't just Aine and Draco performing secret assignments without their friends' knowledge. Harry too, had his own private lessons with his Headmaster, they had delved into the memories of Professor Dumbledore's, looking through the ones he had shared with He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named. Their first lesson had been where Dumbledore first met young Tom Riddle in 1938 when he had visited the Wool's Orphanage run by Muggles. 

The little boy who had been abandoned by his father was left under the care of the Muggles who had taken care of him. Young Tom had an unsettling mysterious demeanour to him ever since he was a child, he barely spoke and when he did, bad things happened. Which resulted in him being cast out of the other children in the orphanage, a black sheep who did not fit in. The truth is, Tom always felt he was different from the other kids, and he was. He was not like the rest, no one understood him, nor try to. 

Regardless, Tom was not crazy. The other children might beg to differ though, they started out bullying him because he was a quiet child who had little to no emotions even when he was left out or picked on. As time went on, they soon started to fear him and thought of him as a creepy cold-hearted child. Whenever they mocked or did awful things to him, terrible things would happen to them in return. Someone would get hurt, physically and mentally if he wanted. It was like bad things always happened to those who had crossed him, and he found pleasure in that. It made him feel superior, that he had them all in his palms. 

Tom was a wizard. He had magical blood flowing through his veins and magic that was so powerful that he would lash out if left uncontrolled and untaught. That was when Dumbledore found him and offered him a place in his school. To learn and tame the magic within him. But what he hadn't expected was that Tom soon grew into a young man who came to crave power. 

He believed he was different and his time at Hogwarts only proved that he was different. He was much more powerful than anyone, except he felt lacking. He was still not up to the level of the man who had brought him out of the dark orphanage and into this magical world where he had belonged. He was still weak compared to Dumbledore and thus, began his dangerous conquest for more power. For he hoped that one day, he would surpass the older man and be the most powerful being that everyone will come to fear.

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