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Ginny and Hermione peered over to Aine who was lying on her bed, her eyes scanning the parchment in her hand as she re-reads her written essay for the hundredth time. Her two friends sat on top of their trunks after finishing packing their stuff for the holidays. Both of them along with Harry and Ron were planning to celebrate Christmas and the winter break at the Weasley Burrow, unlike Aine.

"Are you sure you're not going to go back?" the brunette asks, her brows slanting to the sides as she made her way to Aine. 

Aine's eyes poked out from the side of the papers, and she sat up, nodding her head. "Yeah... Dad isn't there anymore," she replied, referring to her lovely home. She pulls her knees together and gave a sad smile, "Aion is working over the Christmas season too, so he won't be home as well," she lied. Her brother had stopped working ever since he had been imprisoned in the Malfoy Manor and received the Dark Mark to show that he was a follower of the Dark Lord.  

"And besides, with both of them gone, I don't want to go home where sad memories will surface," she added, the pain still fresh and raw in her heart. She wouldn't know what thoughts would weaken her mind whilst she heads back. Not to mention, she needed time to fix the Vanishing Cabinet and with many students heading back for the holidays, both she and Draco would have sufficient time to mend it without having to worry about the many eyes around them.

"Then you should come with us back to our home!" Ginny suggested, bouncing over to Aine's bed as she sat in front of her friend. Her hands reached for Aine's to hold it, "Everyone will be there too! Mom and dad, Fred and George, Charlie and Bill, Remus and Tonks, Moody too! You won't feel alone then!" she gave a comforting squeeze of Aine's hand, eyes gleaming in hopes that she would take her offer.

However tempting Ginny's deal was, Aine had already set her mind on staying behind. It would be far too risky if she was under the same roof as the members of the Order of the Phoenix, she had to remind herself that she was part of Voldemort's army now. She was their enemy and if they happen to even see her Dark Mark... Aine could only think of the consequences that would follow, and the bloodshed should the Dark Lord know. In fact, she was fairly certain that Voldemort would have ordered her to spy for him since she would be surrounded by his enemies. 

As much as she had missed Remus, Tonks, Mr and Mrs Weasley and the rest of the Weasley family, Aine didn't want to expose the likelihood of endangering all of them. She didn't want to be made to choose between them who was part of the people Aine had held dearly or the fate of her only surviving family member, Aion and Mrs Malfoy who was back at the Manor.

"Thanks for inviting me, Gin. But I think it'll be best if I remain back at Hogwarts this year. I need to catch up on my homework and revision after all," Aine said, giving an excuse that had both truths and lies in it. With the hectic amount of schedules in Aine's life lately, mending the cabinet being the one that was the direst and most exhausting task, the girl was falling behind in her studies and her friend knew that. Although what they had thought instead was the girl was just feeling overwhelmed by her father's passing. 

Ginny's shoulders slumped, dejected. She didn't want to leave her friend alone until the new year arrives but she didn't want to make it seem like she was dragging her either. Conflicted, she could only look down sadly.

Hermione placed a hand on Aine's back and sighed. "Alright, we won't force you then," she tells the younger girl who was feeling apologetic now. She wanted to grab Hermione's hand then and there and rush back to the Burrow with Ginny and her other friends. She would hug Mrs Weasley so tightly and rant to Remus and Tonks and even be up to some mischief with the Weasley twins but she had to think of the bigger picture.

There was no time to waste.

"I'm sorry..." Aine mutters, casting her eyes away, unable to look at her friends.

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