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(Trigger Warning: Mentions of Deep injuries, Lacerations, and Blood.)

Aine watches as the world around her spin before she collapses onto the waterlogged floor, splashing as she blinks to fathom what had happened. She couldn't think straight besides the stabbing pain digging from her body, clawing its way through her flesh. Blotches of dark spots filled her vision as she struggles to breathe properly.

Several thick gashes ran across Aine's back, trailing across her side to her abdomen. It was as if someone had slashed her with an invisible sword. She didn't feel it earlier when she was so into worrying about Draco, and the adrenaline that pumps from the duel caused her to forget about the pain. It was only when she saw her own blood, did it hit her. 

The spell that Harry had used didn't only successfully hit Draco, but Aine. When Aine interjected from the curse directed at Draco, the boy pulled her away. From that, he got inflicted by the Sectumsempra curse and gained a gash-long laceration down his chest. However, it was Aine who had taken more than half of the damage. 

It happened so fast and now everything only became slow and blurry. It was sudden but the wounds Aine earned were deeper. The familiar pain stabs deep into her own flesh, burning into her blood as if she had been set ablaze. She couldn't even let out a scream. Only an inaudible gasp erupted from her lips, her golden eyes went wide and glossy. The air was knocked out from her lungs as she felt her insides stung and crushed all at once.

"Aine!" Draco yells in horror, he drops back down to the flooding floor. The cold water soaked his knees and his hand shake when he held Aine's body in his arms. He gaped at the state she was in, his silver eyes swirled with shock and utter fear. Dejavu struck him and he spirals into terror.

No. No. No...

His other hand reaches for his wand, holding it tight that the entire wooden stick was shaking so badly. Strength leaves his grasp as he becomes numb. Draco struggles to think, using both his wand and his own hands to stop the bleeding. He rips his emerald-green tie and presses it on her abdomen, right where it was bleeding the most. It was the most prominent wound he could see and undoubtedly one of the deepest. There were just so many cuts all over her body, including her back and he didn't know what to do, or which to stop. 

"Pl... P- Please... Please—!" He whimpers, feeling ever so anguished and useless at the same time. 

While he applies pressure on Aine's abdomen, her back was bleeding out from the multiple slashes. Her blood seeped through her entire uniform, through her white blouse and grey vest, matching her Gryffindor tie, but in a deeper shade. Conjuring a piece of large fabric to use as gauze, he presses it against Aine's back while supporting the girl. But it was futile because very soon, Draco's hand was wet with the red liquid that continues to trickle out from the girl in his arms, through his fingers.

Aine's blood. 

The reflective floor was slowly becoming a painting, with red being mixed and diffused in the pool of water that had burst out from the broken pipes. And in the middle of the canvas, laid Aine in her own pool of blood. Her blood bloomed like a scarlet flower. It was a bloodied painting.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" He shouts with fury to the boy who was staggering behind him. Draco's eyes were bloodshot, glaring straight at Harry with such hatred and pain through his wet locks falling in his eyes. Tears bleeding from his eyes as he glanced between Aine who was slipping away and the one responsible for the attack. There was so much tension in the nerves in Draco's eyes that he nearly popped a vein in it. He didn't care about the discomfort either way, even the wound he got was dulling away by the sight of Aine who struggled with her severe injuries.

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