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As the Estoileons returned back to Malfoy Manor with Snape, the older man's tracks stopped just as they reached the gates. He spun around and meet their confused gazes, "We have a company who are waiting for your return. A word of caution, I urge you both to be on your best behaviours," he said to them both.

"What are we? Five?" Aine replies sarcastically and Snape gave her an eye roll. 

"You will do your best to heed my advice if you do not wish to be hurt. I will give you my word and try to protect both of you," Snape replied, his promise of protecting them came as a shock to Aine and Aion as they never thought they would hear him say that. "Though if you were to remain ignorant about your attitude, it would not be my problem if you get yourself killed."

"Killed?" Aion repeated, he thought he may have heard his words wrongly. Nevertheless, Snape reminded him to keep his place and dignity. If it was the only thing left for the Estoileons, it would be their grace.

They proceeded on through the long pathway towards the manor's door, passing by the well-kept garden. The day was coming to an end and the skies were already rumbling, it had been raining a fair bit these days and ever since the two siblings arrived at the Malfoy household, thunderstorms came nearly every night.

When the door swung open as they approached, Aine and Aion were greeted by a whole group of masked beings who eyed the two through the hollow sockets of their different masks. Startled by the shocking sight, both Aine and Aion could only reach for each other's hand, giving their intertwined hands a squeeze while they reach for their wands on their other free hand. 

A scoff escaped from someone and their attention settled on one man— He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named, Lord Voldemort.

Voldemort stood in the middle of his armed forces, he gave them both a sinister smile. His snake-like eyes trailed down to their hands before snarling at them, his facade dropping. "It's good to see you both again, Aine..." he greeted, arms spread across as if wanting a hug from them. "Aion..." he added with a much colder tone when he spoke the young lad's name, not bothering to hide his distaste.

Realizing that neither of them had moved and was frozen in their spots, Voldemort made his way to them instead. He gave Aine an awkward hug, holding onto her neck as she stiffens up. The girl held her breath, not moving an inch as she kept her trembling in control. She wanted to scream, to yell, to tear this man— Monster in front of her apart but she could only do so in her mind. She simply gripped Aion's hand tighter and avoided Voldemort's eye contact. 

"It's about time we have a proper chat, dear child," he whispers into Aine's ears, causing the girl to close her eyes slowly. She endured every urge to kill him. "Such a pity to learn what happened to your father. You must be truly devastated..." he said, subtly ridiculing her.

Who do you think is the cause of my devastation? Aine said in her mind, fluttering her eyes open as her golden pupils swirled with rage.

Voldemort pulls away and studies the girl's emotionless expression, "But I'm sure you must be pleased to know that the fake father of yours is finally ridded! He deserves it, does he not?" he cranks his neck back to his horde of Deatheaters who agreed, cheering along as if viewing their master as a saint for what he had ordered Cal to do.

Aine felt her blood boil, she clutched onto her wand tightly, feeling her nails dig into her palms. She was so utterly humiliated and provoked but she kept her cool. If she were to do anything, Aion would be the first victim to fall into the hands of the Dark Lord. She caught Draco's gaze from the corner of her eyes, his brows furrowed together, feeling both angered and insulted.

The Malfoy son and mother's faces were completely drained of colour, fading even a lighter shade than they once were. Their skin was nearly white as a ghost, perplexed by the sudden company of the army of Deatheaters led by the Dark Lord. They had all stormed into their home as if it belonged to them rather than their family. 

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