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Sitting on the chairs available on either side of the bed, Ginny and Luna peered up at Aine who stirred in her sleep. The slightest movements caused them to jump to their feet as the girl laying on the bed furrowed a little. Then, her lashes quivered and her lids fluttered open. Her golden eyes glistened from the ray of sunshine that seeped into the window behind her. 

Aine blinks from the sudden blindness, just not a few seconds ago she was enveloped in the deepest of darkness where it was cold and lonely. Now, the warmness from the Sun had graced her and welcomed her back to Earth. She took a couple of moments to make of the faces watching over her from above, her sight was still blurry and though she had just woken up momentarily, she felt exhausted again. 

When her vision clears up, everything was awfully bright. It made Aine squint through the faces, trying to make out who it was until she saw the platinum blonde and ginger-haired girls. "Ginny...? Lu... Luna...?" she croaked out, her voice hoarse and dry. 

Tears of relief and joy brimmed from Ginny's eyes as she cups her best friend's face. "Ai! Oh, thank the four founders! You're awake!" she gasped.

Luna beams as she gave Aine a small smile when the girl looked at her. "Thank goodness!" the Ravenclaw girl chirped, clasping her hands together.

Aine looks around, realizing she was no longer in the flooded bathroom with soaked uniforms. She was in the Hospital wing, dressed in a patient's gown that comprises a long-sleeved collared top and long pants, resembling pyjamas. 

Of course, she was here... Where else would she be?

The girl shifted uncomfortably in the bed, stretching her sore limbs and aching body. For Godric's sake, how long has she been asleep here for her entire body to be stiff like this?

Then the memories of what happened before she passed out knock Aine to her senses. She remembered the brawl, the destroyed bathroom, the Sectumsempra curse, the blood— Draco..!

Her head whips around the other beds in the infirmary and she immediately forces herself upright. A wave of excruciating pain ripple from her abdomen and spine from the sudden action and she doubles back onto the bed. Aine hisses and curses at the discomfort, her hand reaching for the injury on her side, her nails very nearly clawing into the thin fabrics that were between the pain and the wound.

Both Ginny and Luna panicked when Aine seethes from the wounds she had suffered, urging the girl to lie back down but Aine only grasped onto Ginny's hand. Her eyes widened with worry and confusion, "D... Draco! Where is he? Is he alright? What happened to him—" she rambled on, growing even more anxious when she woke up without seeing him, especially when the last thing she knew was the large gash running through his chest.

"Calm down, Aine!" her friend instructed, firmly holding onto the girl's trembling hands. "Malfoy's fine, he's more than fine actually. In fact, he's definitely in a better state than you are!" 

Luna placed a comforting hand on Aine's shoulders, continuing on from Ginny. "He had to remain here a couple of days to recuperate, but Madam Pomfrey had just discharged him about two days ago after deeming him fine. The nasty injury he had only left him with a small scar thankfully," she tells her and Aine exhales from reassurance.

"So, he's okay..?" Aine asks timidly.

Her two friends nodded and smiled down at her. "He's alright, Ai. Thanks to you," Ginny stated.

Aine hung her head and bit down on her lips. "I didn't do anything... If anything, it was—"

"You saved him," Luna interjected, surprising Aine with the serious tone her friend was using. "If you hadn't interfered, Malfoy would have sustained even more serious wounds. Though I wouldn't exactly say it's pleasant since you got harmed... But it wasn't your fault at all, Aine! What matters is that you saved him."

UNBREAK | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 5)Where stories live. Discover now