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Aine's eyes fluttered open, meeting a blinding light raining down onto her. She could barely even see until her vision had adjusted to the brightness, it had been a long time since she had been exposed to such luminance. She was laying on the ground, surrounded by tiny little flowers with the warm sunlight kissing her face. She blinked, trying to comprehend what was happening to her.

All she could recall was passing out from the exhaustion trying to rip apart the shackles binding her magic, she remembered the cold trickling liquid down her nose and ears, and the shivering numbness that overwhelmed her. Then, there was the sound of something shattering. Whether she did manage to break the chains or not was still a mystery to her. If she did, it was both a great thing and an unlucky thing since she had completely blown the only time she could have gotten away and yet here she was, fainted and waking up in dreamland.

She sat upright, feeling the gentle breeze carry her long black locks. Her ribs were perfectly fine, in fact, there was no pain and she was clean of injuries from her arms and legs.

Am I truly dead after all or is this just a dream from blacking out?

There was a faint rustling sound when the wind danced by, sending the tall grass and flowers in the meadow to sway while petals rippled in the air. Her fingers sifted through the shallow dandelion flowers on the ground, feeling them prickle her skin. It feels so real and yet at the same time, she wondered if this was all simply an illusion. She blinked, feeling drowsy from the ethereal scene. 

The Sun was shining softly, it wasn't too harsh or anything and the wind was nice on her skin too. The girl pulls herself to her feet, still trying to grasp where she was or how she even got here. She looks into the horizon, the skies painted in pastel colours, making everything seem so dreamy and peaceful. 

If others were to tread through this idyllic place, they would probably mistake it as a heavenly realm.

It was something Aine had debated, if this was indeed a dream, she wished to never wake. She would rather stay here and be free from the horrible things that she had gone through, as selfish as it may seem. It was serene here and she felt free, her heart was light and there was a fluffy feeling swirling inside of her that made her happy somewhat. Perhaps, she could start a new life here, to live without pain...

Then the faces of her loved ones popped up in her mind and the girl immediately felt guilty. Aion... Draco... Her friends... The upcoming war... She couldn't just leave them all behind, there was still a sense of responsibility. Nevertheless, just being in this very transcendence space made her feel she belonged there, it tempted her greatly.

There was nothing holding her back. No pain, no shackles...

No stupid legacy to fulfil in her mother's stead.

She stares at her feet, planted into the lush velvety ground. A smile crept onto her face when she experienced the familiar feeling of being surrounded by nature. Her white tunic dress flowed freely with the breeze. She was still wearing the same outfit as before and yet she couldn't tell whether this was all made up.


Aine's breath hitched and she froze. Her smile disappeared instantly. It was like time had stopped around her when the familiar voice calls out to her from behind. She slowly turned around, her eyes widening at the figure standing before her very eyes, finally meeting the person that she had longed to see. It felt like the last time she saw him was so long ago and now just being in the same field felt so distant and so right at the same time. 

Tears welled up in her eyes and she gasped at the man, "Dad..."

Standing next to the large cherry blossom tree was Elliot, Aine's father. He furrowed at his little girl in complete dismay. His hands trembled and he dropped the basket he was holding, the leaves and flowers in it falling to the ground, sprawling across the grassy lands. He staggered, placing a hand over his hung-open mouth.

UNBREAK | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 5)Where stories live. Discover now