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Two weeks had passed since Aine's outburst in Snape's office. Since then, she had managed to sleep off from the noises ringing in her ears, but it took practice to ignore the whispers. Whenever she let her guard down, the voices would surface and remind her of how different she was compared to the rest. Her powers were stronger than ever whenever she loses a bit of control. At times, she would find herself being angry for no particular reason. The fury in her came without any warning. Those were the times when Aine would notice the things around her would be affected. 

Very subtle but prominent enough for her to catch it. 

She remembered the wooden desk in the Gryffindor Common room darkening from her touch as if Seamus had accidentally lighted something on fire. That was during one of the nights when she was doing her homework before a strong force rippled in her head, causing the abrupt bubbling rage. 

Then there was the other time when she disintegrated her classmates' crystal ball along with her own's when Professor Flitwick had asked her to try out the Reductor Curse in his class. 

With a simple wave of her wand, she muttered the incantation very softly, "Reducto."

The miniature crystal sphere before her eyes cracked before a bright light burst out from the object, blinding everyone in the process. When they opened their eyes again, the transparent ball had been reduced to nothing, not even leaving behind a single speck of dust and ash. What Flitwick hadn't expected was that it wasn't just his one student who had managed to cast the charm successfully, but destroyed at least five of his other student's crystal balls in the process.

The foreboding atmosphere that came afterwards made Aine shrink a little. Not knowing whether she had done it correctly or had failed to destroy just her object. She simply looked down at the tiny scratch on the surface of her desk, her fingers playing with her charm bracelet as she allows the silence to dominate her. 

It wasn't until a small clap erupted behind her seat did it then trigger a round of applause from her classmates. "That was so bloody cool!" Collin beamed, amazed by his friend's magic.

"Seems like you've improved since the last time we trained with the D.A.," Ginny cooed, nudging her elbow from beside.

Aine gave a nervous chuckle, pretending to agree. "Did I?"

"You were amazing!" Luna chimes in front of Aine's table, delighted and in awe. 

Even Cyrus had shot her an impressed grin. Though all the praises did not seem to make Aine feel proud of herself. If anything, it only made her feel intimidated by what she could do. There was no doubt her powers were growing, too quickly now that she was aware of her identity. It was only a matter of time before it gets out of hand like before.

But what had thrown Aine into a dilemma was that she didn't know whether to restrain herself or not. She feared that she wouldn't be able to handle the weight of it but there was just something about her ferocious powers that had seduced Aine greatly. The idea of possessing such great levels of magic was irresistible.

Needless to say, it wasn't just the girl who was feeling conflicted. Even Professor Flitwick was very much stupefied, to say the least. It took him a couple of seconds before a delayed response came from him. "Hah... Hahaha..! Well done, Miss Estoileon! Well done?" he complimented with a forced laugh. Though he was unsure whether it was right to commend her extraordinary skills of destroying not just one but six targets in total or be terrified of her instead.

"Thank you, professor," Aine replied bashfully, slowly lowering her head.

"Very good! Um— Now let's get all of you some new targets!" Flitwick said to the other five students who were now left with an empty table. With a quick wave of his wand, five more crystal balls levitated to his students. He gave Aine a thumbs-up before continuing his class, conflicted if he should ask her to try out performing an example next time. However, he concluded it would be better if he had asked someone else then. Just in case.

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