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Aine could only stare at the spot Dumbledore once stood, the ghost of his shadow faded away when the Carrows, Fenrir and Cal ran to the railings. They looked down to make sure that the Headmaster of Hogwarts was dead, unable to believe their eyes when Snape delivered the final attack. The thought of someone dying from being thrown over the bannisters at such height did not cross their minds. They needed to see his body and when they saw it lying on the ground, the Deatheaters cheered.

What a damned twisted world it was...

Bellatrix joins her comrades, jumping with such jubilation. The broadest and happiest smile Aine and Draco have ever seen her wear. She lets out a shrill squeal as she raises her wand to the rumbling skies and a deafening blast shakes the grounds of Hogwarts. 

A grim light explodes through the clouds above Hogwarts, mutating into a skull as if marking the school their territory. This was the land that they have conquered now after murdering the wizard who protected it for many years.

Tears prickled Aine's golden eyes and her heart sank to the ground, still horrified by what just happened. The only sound she made was an inaudible gasp from her quivering lips. She shared a look with Snape who whirled around.

There were no emotions on his face, no remorse, not even a flicker of sadness for the older wizard. His black eyes were just deeply staring back at Aine's: empty, dry and clouded. 

However, there was no way Aine could be like her professor who was putting on a cold-hearted stare. She knew that Dumbledore truly wanted to help her and Draco and only meant for their good. He might have kept her in the dark and used her for his selfish needs but he was a good man. He always filled her with such wisdom and kindness, showing his sympathy even when she tried to kill him even till the last few moments of his life. But like her own father, Elliot, he was no more now.

"You both can no longer stay here," Snape stated. He grabs Aine gently by the arm and seizes Draco by the scruff of his neck. The boy was still stunned for words, unable to move a single step from where he stood just now. His lips gaping and trembling, utterly appalled and distraught by their deeds. They might not have been the ones who delivered the last blow, but that didn't change the fact that they had Dumbledore cornered away as he withers away.

"Out of here, quickly," their mentor instructed sternly, ushering the two out of the Astronomy Tower along with the rest; Bellatrix skips gleefully, Cal strutting away as if he owned the place, Fenrir prowling behind them with a twisted grin while the Carrows followed behind, both panting with excitement.

Aine and Draco put their hoods up and ambled behind them, the former intertwining her hands with Draco's and the latter clasping them tightly, masking their true feelings.

Snape leads the group, passing through the corridors of Hogwarts as the flames on the scones flickered away one by one, sending only dimness to linger behind. Students began to flock together, staring curiously at their teacher and his strange band of companions. The man sweeps past the prying eyes wordlessly, his black cloak brushing across the ground. 

Along with the other Deatheaters, Snape waves his wand effortlessly ahead, slashing the air;  stunning and disarming school staff, including Aurours stationed across Hogwarts and whoever dares to cross their paths without any mercy.

Draco kept his head low, his platinum blonde locks falling in his eyes as he adverted his silver eyes only to his polished shoes that walked in unison with Aine's boots.

From the corner of Aine's sight, she caught sight of Ginny, Neville, Luna and a couple of her friends from the Gryffindor house looking at her. They recognized her even with her hood concealing half of her face. She kept her face cold and emotionless, taking on the mask that Snape was wearing. 

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