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As Harry walks away from the Hospital Wing, he nearly jumped when Snape appeared out of nowhere from a corridor. His black robes engulfed Harry's vision and he halted his steps before his face could fall flat into the darkness ahead. He looks up to see the professor he loathed, and was it a hunch that he felt like he was going to get interrogated?

He knew that the other professors had questioned Draco regarding the fight in the bathroom but so far, he was clear about it. And just when he thought he wouldn't be probed with questions, Snape was there to prove him wrong.

Harry could feel Snape's eyes lingering on him, it was like he was trying to figure him out, maybe even use Legilimency on him like last year. So, instinctively, Harry guarded his mind and used what Snape had taught him so his thoughts wouldn't be open to his professor.

Snape sneered at the boy, almost surprised and impressed at the same time. Then he spoke, "It seems that I have underestimated you, Potter." His voice was quiet but enough for Harry to spot the menace and venom in it. "Who would have expected that you knew such Dark Magic? Who taught you that spell?"

There it was.

The question that Harry had dreaded. 

He remained calm as possible, though there was no stopping his balling fists. Harry decided to feign ignorance. "What spell, professor? I have no clue which spells you are referring to—"

"Don't play the fool with me, Potter!" Snape scowled, interrupting the student's words. He was bubbling with rage and Harry almost seemed content for it to simmer over. 

Realizing that he wasn't fooling anyone and that it wouldn't be wise to play cluelessness with his professor. He came up with a wild answer, "I read it somewhere."


"Some library book—"

"What book?"

"I can't really remember what the title was..." Harry mumbled and Snape squinted down at him, trying to play some mind games again. The boy prepared for the worst, he knew that if they start playing Legilimency and Occlumency, he would lose. 

"Bring me your bag," Snape said out of the blue and Harry looks up, puzzled. "And all of your books. All of them. Bring it to me at once!" he ordered.

Harry flinched at the sternness of Snape's voice. On any regular basis, he would try to avoid that but he knew Snape wasn't playing around with the look he was giving him. Without arguing any further, he nodded and rushed back to his common room. 

He shoved all of his school books into his brown bag, the corners of the fabric poking out from the corners of the books. He paused, scanning around his room in a hurry. Ron leans over his bed to his friend wondering what was all the fuss about, "Everything alright there, mate?" he asked.

"Where is it?" Harry questioned his friend who quirked a brow, not knowing what he was referring to. He lets out an exasperated groan and asked again, "Your potions book! Where is it?"

"Why do you need it?" Ron went on, coming out of his bed and walking to his stash of books to search for them.

"I need to borrow it for a moment," Harry said, grabbing the potions book he had kept and slept with for months to throw it deep into his trunk. He rummaged through his other clothes and threw them into his baggage to further conceal the book. Once he was done, he snapped back to Ron, "Quick... Give it to me!"

Dumbfounded by Harry's urgency, Ron took his copy of the 'Advanced Potion Making' book and handed it to his friend. "What about your own? I thought you had the Half-Blood Prince's—"

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