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Namjoon and Jin both screamed as they saw the bullet leaving Hyun's g*n. The loud g*nshot echoed in the room followed by another scream.


Jungkook screamed on top of his lungs when he saw you getting in front of Taehyung and the bullet which was about to hit Taehyung hit your chest. Taehyung froze on his spot as he saw you getting shot. Everyone in the room got shocked and froze in their spots. You took a deep breath feeling the pain taking over your senses and you lost your balance. Jungkook rushed towards you but Taehyung was fast enough to held your falling figure.

"Y/N." He whispered in a low voice as you fell in his arms. He sat down while holding your figure. You just weakly smile at him before closing your eyes. "Y/N." Jungkook crouched down and pulled you closer while tapping your cheeks lightly trying to wake you up. Your breaths and heart beats slow down which made him panic even more. Taehyung just look down at his hands which were covered in bl*od. Your bl*od.

Jin's eyes burned with anger as he walk towards Hyun and snatched the g*n from him. This time Hyun didn't opposed neither he made any movements.

"Y/N please, no. Open your eyes love. Please." Tears were already streaming down Jungkook's face as he tried to wake you up. But you showed no movements.

Hyun's eyes widen as he stared at your lifeless figure laying on the ground. Namjoon also rush towards Jungkook. "JK, let's take her to the hospital." Jungkook nodded vigorously while scooping you in his arms and rushing out of the room while Namjoon following him behind.

"Why did you do this?" Taehyung mumble while still staring at his hands. Jin looked at Taehyung and saw him looking towards Hyun with utmost hatred. He clenched his fist and got up while pouncing on Hyun who stumble back and hit the wall. "WHY DID YOU SHOOT HER?" Taehyung held his collar and punched the wall beside him making his knuckles bleed. Jin held Taehyung's hand and pulled him away from him. "How could you shoot your own daughter?" Taehyung yank away Jin's hand and turned away from them. Tears were building in his eyes recalling the moment when you took the bullet that was supposed to be for him.

Taehyung took in a shaky breath as Jin held his shoulder. "Why are you so bothered though? Didn't you wanted to k*ll her too?" Taehyung went silent for few seconds before shaking his head. He looked at his bother with tearful eyes which said a lot of things. Jin patted his shoulder and in no time Taehyung hugged him tightly. He sobbed on Jin's shoulder while Jin caressed his back.

Hyun, who was standing there staring at the two brothers blankly finally released a deep breath. "Why did he shoot her?" He heard Taehyung mumbling while crying on his brother's shoulder. Hyun look down at his hands and his breaths quicken. "How could I?" He whispered to himself while deeply staring at his hands. He inhale sharply before looking around the place. The piece of broken glass came in his view as he abruptly picked it up and looked at it for few seconds before he sliced his own flesh while groaning. "How could I do that?" He kept mumbling while scratching his wrist. With every cut, the bl*od oozed out of his skin.

Taehyung and Jin looked at him and Jin speed walk towards him before snatching away the glass piece from his hands. Hyun cried while falling on his knees. Jin throw away the glass and asked Taehyung for his phone. Without asking anything, Taehyung handed his phone to Jin. Jin dialled a number and called the person.

"Hello. Yes, you can come now."

He ended the call and looked at Hyun who was crying his heart out. "No use of crying now. You've already ruin everything." He turned around to see Taehyung looking at him with confused eyes. Soon enough the door of the room burst open and many people walk in with g*ns. They all were cops. Taehyung looked at his brother with wide eyes but looking at his calm expression he didn't said anything.

An officer who was the head of department walk towards Jin and bowed to him. "Mr. Kim. Thank you for informing about Mr. Kim Hyun's location. Since you have handed us all the proofs of his underworld works and crimes, we were searching for him. Once again you helped us to catch a wanted criminal. Our department will be forever greatful to you." Jin shaked hands with the officer and he signal his team mates to arrest Hyun. Taehyung just stood there astonished by his hyung's forward planning. "I should thank you too, Officer Shin. You trusted me and gave me chance to help you." After talking a bit, Officer Shin walked out with his team and Hyun.

"Hyung, when did you-" "We should go to the hospital first." Jin cut him off and walk ahead as Taehyung just followed him like a lost puppy.

At Hospital -

"DOCTOR!!!" Jungkook shout as soon as he entered the hospital as some staff gathered around him. They brought a stretcher for you and Jungkook layed you down on it. He held your hands tightly and caressed you forehead trying not to burst in tears. "Be strong butterfly. You'll be fine." He whispered and a doctor rushed towards you. "Doctor she got shoot. Please save her." Namjoon explain while the doctor checked you. "Oh god. She have lost a lot of bl*od and her heartbeats are also slow." Hearing doctor, Jungkook lost his patience. "JUST DO YOUR FUCKING WORK. IF ANYTHING HAPPENED TO HER, YOU'LL NEVER SEE TOMORROW'S SUN." Everyone around then flinch hearing Jungkook growl as the doctor just nodded. Bl*od was gushing out of his shoulder but he cared less about it. All he could think about his love,You.

Namjoon held Jungkook by his shoulder and the nurse took you inside the operation theatre. Namjoon patted Jungkook's back when he saw Jungkook staring at the closed door of OT. "Hyung. What's her fault?" Jungkook fell on his knees while crying as Namjoon just caressed his back not knowing how to console him. He was right. It was never your fault. Both the males completely forgot about their own injuries as they just sat there praying for your safety.

Taehyung and Seokjin rushed inside the hospital and asked the receptionist about you. She informed them about you being in OT. They both ran towards OT but their steps halted looking at the scene. Jungkook was crying his heart out while Namjoon was trying to console him. Taehyung took slow steps towards them. When he reached near them, he took a shaky breath before placing his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "Jungkook-ah..."

Jungkook's teary eyes mate with Taehyung's worried one and in a snap of second they filled with raged. Jungkook pushed away his hands and stood up before holding Taehyung's collar and pushing him against the wall. Namjoon also stood looking at Jungkook's fierce actions.

"Now you're happy. It's all because you. Why did you brought her there? So you could k*ll her, right?" Taehyung didn't said anything and just looked down which made Jungkook angry and he punched Taehyung making him stumble and fall on the floor. Jin went to held Jungkook while Namjoon went towards Taehyung.

"Jungkook, calm down. She'll be fine." Jin tried to held Jungkook but he didn't let him. He glared at Taehyung who sat on the floor while Namjoon helped him. Feeling Jin's grip on his hand, Jungkook pushed him away. "Don't touch me. You all are same. All of you hated her. It was all your plan, wasn't it?" Jungkook pointed at all three mens while finally looking at Jin. "How could you do this hyung? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?"

"ENOUGH JUNGKOOK!!! How could you even think like that? I can never hurt her." Jungkook scoff hearing Jin who was trying to make him understand. "As if I didn't know how much you guys wanted her to be d*ad."  Jungkook spoke being all out of his senses and Jin couldn't hold himself back anymore.

"For god sake Jungkook. I can never think about k*lling MY OWN SISTER."


Not the way I wanted but still, was it interesting? (Point it out if I'm missing something.)

I've never write this much action. 🥴

Comment for the next part ❤️

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