Back to the Game

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Maya's POV
"God teenagers are complicated" I said as I got into bed

"They are" laughed Carina getting herself ready for bed "you're still thinking about what Gracie said aren't you?"

"I am" I nodded "and know I shouldn't since it's most likely stupid for me to think but I can't help it in sorry"

"didn't you ever think? That the girls could date someone or be with someone" she smiled

"I usually don't think about stuff that makes me sick" I smiled "so no I really didn't think about it that much"

"Maya mama bear Bishop" she smiled and I playfully hit her with my pillow

"I'm serious" I said

"Oh so am I" she said

Gracie's POV
I knew it was wrong what I had said, and I did feel bad about it now.

"Hey" I said as knocked on her door and walked in "hey can we talk?"

"No" she said as she looked into her laptop

"I just want to apologize. Okay?" I said

"Apologize Grace are you kidding. Didn't you listen to yourself. What you said?" She asked

"I know okay and I do feel sorry. But I don't even know why I said that" I said "I'm really sorry and I'll tell them I was just kidding if you..."

"Grace just forget about it okay?" She said "that's it. they're not stupid they won't fall for the "oh it's a joke" part" she said

"I know but I'm truly sorry" I said

"Well think before you open your mouth again" she said

Alex's POV
Unbelievable. Just unbelievable how she spat out that and now she comes back to apologize. Just like that.

"Morning" I said as I walked downstairs and over to the kitchen to grab a water bottle

"Morning Bella" said mama as she was making coffee "remember we have to go to the hospital in an hour" she said and I nodded

"Can I go to the station after?" I asked

"Depends on what they say" she said and I sighed "we'll see alright?"

"Fine" I agreed as I was heading upstairs

"Alex" she said from downstairs "breakfast"

I sighted once again as I walked down again

Gracie's POV
"Have a great day" said mom as she dropped me off at school

"Thanks mom see ya" I said as I got out of the car and headed inside

"Hey" I heard a voice and turned around

"Mark hey" I said as I placed my books in my locker

"Hey. I just wanted to know how Alex's been doing" he asked "I spoke to her last night she sounded a bit off"

"She's has an appointment now" I said "maybe she was nervous about it" I said and he nodded

"Oh okay okay" he nodded "can I ask you something?" He said

"Sure" I said

"Do you think I could go visit her?" He asked "or you think she wouldn't like it"

"Uh" I said "I don't see why she wouldn't. Plus she's been bored out of her mind at home. I'm sure she'd loved if you asked her"

"Thanks Gracie" he smiled "okay I gotta go. See ya" he said as he walked away.

"Love trouble with the hottie couple?" asked Kathy as she came over

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