Routine Life

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Maya's POV

"Girls come on!" I yelled through the stairs as I looked down at my watch

"Hey Bella" said Carina as she came over and pecked my lips "what's going on?" She asked

"Uh as usual they're not ready" I said

"I just saw Gracie sitting around waiting, she's been up since 6" she said as she pointed towards the living room

"Yeah, as usual Alex went out for a run this morning and as usual headed into the shower and now she's not ready on time. Again" I said knowing what my daughter usually did.

"Alex come on!" We heard Grace upstairs "I'm going to be late!"

"Oh lord just relax" said Alex as she opened her door and walked out

"Bella you're barefoot" said Carina

"Oh" she said looking down "yeah just give me a second here" she said

"Mom!" Said Grace as she looked at me

"Alex get some shoes on and hurry for god sakes" I said as I looked at Carina who chuckled

"How much did she run in the morning?" Asked Carina and I shrugged

"7 maybe?" I said and she looked at me surprised and I nodded

"Alex my god come on!" We heard Grace upstairs

"Alright I'll go" said Carina as she headed upstairs

Carina's POV
"Mama just get her going, I have physics now first hour and I really can't be late" she said as she headed downstairs

I knocked on the door and walked in "Bella please. Your mom and sister will murder you if you don't get going"

"I'm coming okay?" She said as she finished packing her back

"You have practice this afternoon?" I asked and she nodded "again?"

"Yeah I'll be done by 5" she said

"Alexandra come on!" I heard Maya downstairs

"My god they need to calm down" she said as she walked out and I followed behind

"Alex did you have breakfast ?" I asked as I followed her downstairs

"No no" said Grace "there's no time for breakfast"

"Did you?" Asked Maya and she nodded

"Yeah before heading out for a run" said Alex as she shrugged

"Come on! I have my physics project!" Said Gracie standing at the door

"Do you have that same project?" Asked Maya looking at Alex

"Nah" she said "that's a volunteer project" she said and I looked at Grace. We both knew she was lying.

Alex's POV
"How did you even manage to come late?" Asked one of my friends as I silently sat down while Gracie exposed her project "I saw you coming in with your sister you were both on time"

"I had to brush my teeth, they basically kicked me out of my room this morning" I whispered back

"Did you finish your project?" She asked and shook my head "Alex!" She said

"I didn't have time okay? I was exhausted after practice" I said

"Do you really think it's a good idea for you to continue training with the upper team?" She asked "isn't it too much?"

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