Snow vacations

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Alex's POV
"come on! We're leaving" yelled mom as we finished bringing all luggage to the front door

"Bella the plane is not leaving in almost 3 hours" she laughed

"My schedule says we need to leave" she said

"Alex do you have the goggles?" She asked and I nodded

"Have it all" I said

Damn I was thrilled to go skiing, we we're leaving to Italy but we'd go to this village which was basically a ski resort.

"Gracie!" She yelled

"Mom I'm here" she said coming out of the kitchen

"Did you find the keys?" She asked and Gracie nodded

"Clipboard crazy" I coughed

"Funny you. Guess who has everything under control? Me" she said

"We love the clipboard mom. We love it" I said

"We love you too mom" said Gracie

"Alright everyone to the car ladies" she said

"I still believe I could be the one driving" I said as I finished packing the bags in the trunk

"No you can't" said mom as she jumped to the drivers seat

Carina's POV
We made it to the airport and maya started with the passport part of the clipboard

"Don't lose it!" She told Alex

"Mom." She said "it's not my first time on a plane and I can take care of a passport" she said

"I highly doubt that" she said as she handed the other to Gracie

"Alright let's do the migration part and we can just relax then" I suggested

"How long till the plane departures?" Asked Gracie and I looked at my watch

"Uh 2 hours" I smiled

"2 hours?" Said Alex "why are we here 2 hours early?"

I laughed pointing at Maya with my eyes who was on the phone with the station giving out instructions

"Fun" said Alex as she looked at her phone

"How's it gonna be being away from your boyfriend 2 straight weeks?" Asked Gracie

"Funny" said Alex "funny you"

"I'm truly asking" she said

"I'm truly not answering" said Alex

"This is gonna be a fun flight" I smiled

Maya's POV
It was finally time to get on the plane.

"Come on come on" I said

"Do we have to jog over?" Asked Alex making the others chuckle

"Come on" I laughed pushing her forwards

We made it into the plane and the girls sat down together on the row next to us and soon enough the plane went up into the air

"How long is the flight?" I asked

"Round 12 hours maybe?" Said Carina and I looked at her as she chuckled and nodded

"It'll be worth it" she said and I nodded as I placed a kiss on her cheek

Gracie's POV

"Uh what are you doing?" Said Alex as she turned to me

"Homework?" I said

"Oh my" she said "we're on vacations"

"We have almost 12 hours in here. I might as well do something productive" I shrugged as I opened my laptop

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