House Party

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Carina's POV

We made it back to the hotel after going out for a small walk as we needed to start getting ready for the night

"how are the girls doing?" I asked as Maya checked her phone

"they had dinner with Andy and Vic last night" she said "they said they were great and that they even made a great dinner"

"that's nice" I said "I spoke with Gracie earlier, they were about to drive to school and Amelia said she'll be over there after her last surgery to check on"

"Yeah I'm glad she lives so close by" said Maya and I nodded

It was actually great to have most of our friends so close by. But specially Amelia since her house was literally just three blocks away.

"Alright we should really do hurry up" said Maya as she looked at the clock "I forget there's quite a time difference here"

Gracie's POV
Alex was at soccer practice as people kept on coming over to install things. Damn it we would be in trouble for this

"hey is this all really neccesary?" I asked as some girls plugged in like a hundred cables around

"oh you're Alex's sister" she said and I nodded "I'm Rosie, from her last team" she smiled

"oh nice to meet you" I said "so is this all... neccesary?"

"uh well, Lex told us to install everything but if you want I can... " she began

"uh no no it's cool" I nodded as I looked at her smiling as she fixed some cables "so you don't play anymore with Alex?"

"uh well now she's playing with the upper team so no" she said "but I hope soon I'll be able to" she smiled "will I see you around tonight?" she asked and I nodded as I slightly blushed

"yeah" I said

"cool" she said as she looked at me and returned to the cable thingy

I couldn't stop looking at her smile, and her green hoodie which matched her eyes "I'll go check on the ice stuff" I said and she nodded

There were at least 4 guys bringing over tons of ice in together with thousands of bottles.

Oh my god

As I was heading over I saw Alex parking in the drive way as she came down and walked over

"this is looking amazing" she said as she walke over to this girl "Rosie you are a genious" she said

"Alex" I said as I called her over and she walked over "this is crazy. There's enough booze to" I said

"Gracie, it's looking amazing" she said "look at this all"

I sighed as I looked around having to admitt the party was looking great "when is everyone coming"

"in like three hours" she said "and I gotta go get showered"

"ugh fine hurry" I said as I headed back to where they were placing all the bottles

Alex's POV

It was looking more than amazing, it just looked so great.

"damn yeah" I said as I headed down after getting showered

"everything ready girl" said Rosie as she came over and I hugged her

"you're just the best" I said and Gracie came over "oh Gracie this is.." I began

"yeah we..." said Gracie "we met some while ago"

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