You Were Right

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Alex's POV

"So you think like I do?" I asked as I was at Mark's place chatting along

"I mean, we might be wrong. I hope we are but yeah it's weird" he said "it's weird that they just hang out to study"

"Just like us" I said and we both laughed "I mean it I feel awful. I don't wanna tell her but I really think that was what was happening"

"I don't know, if I was being used I would want to know" he said and I nodded "I think you'd be helping her even though yeah it's gonna hurt to listen"

"I hate this. She was finally finding her way through school and everything" I said

"People suck. That's the truth" he said "but you'd be doing more damage by not telling her"

Gracie's POV
"Hey" I said as I walked downstairs

"Hey honey" smiled mom from the kitchen where they were pouring some glasses of wine with mama

"Is Alex around?" Asked mom "I haven't seen her in all day"

"Uh yeah" I said "she'll be back shortly"

"Where is she?" Asked mama and I looked at them both

"Great" said mom

"I think they went to the movies" I said "that's all I know"

"And we still don't even know the guy" said Mom

"I'm sure you'll like him" I said

"I won't like any guy who dates you or your sister" she smiled

"True" I said

Couple minutes later we were sorting out dinner as the door opened and Alex came in

"Hey" she smiled as she came over

"Where were you?" Asked mom

"Movies" she said

"With?" She asked

"My friends" shrugged Alex

"Don't lie" said Mom

"I was at the movies with my friends" she said

"Dinner is ready. Go wash your hands we'll speak later" said mama who knew perfectly well Alex was lying

"Fine" said Alex as she went over upstairs

Maya's POV
I was tried of this boyfriend situation. I was tired of her trying to keep it a secret when we all knew adding to the lying.

"Tournament begins next week" said Alex

"That's great. When are they giving the teams?" Asked Gracie and she shrugged

"I don't know. Im not even sure I'll make it to a team" said Alex

"Why wouldn't you?" I asked "you've been training just like the others"

"Yeah but I'm way younger. Im not sure they'll want me on their team" she said

"Don't think like that" I said "you've been working hard. That's the only thing that you gotta think"

"I know I know" she nodded.

We finished putting everything away and Gracie headed upstairs almost followed by Alex

"Alex" I said

"Yeah?" She asked

"Come down" I said "we need to talk"

"What happened?" She asked

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