We know

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Gracie's POV

I had sort of forgotten about the bruises I had seen on Alex side whislt on the trip until I walked into her room the other day and saw them as she got changed.

"Alex" I said as I walked into her room

"no knocking?" she asked as she turned from her laptop looking at me

"what the hell is going on?" I asked and she looked at me confused

"what did I do now" she said as she looked at me

"Alex don't play stupid" I said

"what do you want Grace" she said as she stood up

"who did that to you?" I asked

"not sure what you mean" she said

"you randomly woke up with your side covered in bruises?" I asked "and got them bruised once again now?"

"I sleep hard" she smiled as she got her shoes on

"Alex please" I said

"what" she chuckled

"I am not joking alright?" I said "I'm worried about you"

"you're worrying about stuff you shouldn't, cause there is nothing going on" she shrugged

"Alex if you don't tell me I'm going to tell mom and mama" I said

"Grace" She said "if there is something to say I would say it, now cut it out" she finished as she walked out of the room and jogged downstairs.

Alex's POV

I knew she had seen them, and I also knew she would tell mom, she wasn't joking about that. I just didn't want to explain I had been kicked around in the changing rooms by the upper team, not once but twice.

I went out for a run trying to clear off my mind, trying to think how I would explain this all if she did tell mom about it. There wasn't a good lie to come up with, at least not one they would fall for.

After my run I made my way to the Station to find Vic around

"hey" she smiled

"hey" I said as I poured myself a glass of water and sat across to where she was cooking "dinner?" I asked and she nodded

"hope you'll stay" she said and I nodded

"where's mom?" I asked

"she's out for some meeting with PD" she said and I nodded

"alright then, I'll go get showered" I said getting up

"oh, they're Setting up the Clinic for tomorrow morning, do you mind checking if they need to move the truck?" she asked and I nodded

"sure" I said as I walked into the barn and soon enough was set to work

Andy's POV

"hey there" I said as I walked into the kitchen to help Vic with dinner

"do they need a spare hand in the barn?" I asked and she shook her head

"took care of that with a young firefighter" she smiled and I chuckled

"nice" I said

As we were talking about random stuff Alex's car parked outside and Gracie came in

"hey!" I smiled as she walked in "nice to see you around here"

"yeah" she chukled "it's been a while" she said and I nodded

"coffee?" I asked and she nodded as she sat down across us

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