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Gracie's POV
Today we had our work views going on. Which I gotta say I was thrilled, I was doing it at Grey Sloan and it was just so amazing

"Alex my god we'll be late!" I said

"There's no school today Gracie" she said

"What?" Asked mom

"It's just work views" she said "I'm not going"

"Yes you are" said mom "where are you supposed to go?"

"I don't know" she shrugged "I didn't sign up for any of them"

"Alex" said mom

"Mom I'm not even sure what I'm gonna do when I grow up. This things are made for people who now. Or people who just wanna mix their heads up" she said

"You're gonna go to school. And go to whatever the workview you're assigned to" said mom "clear?"

"Yes ma'am" said Alex as she finished putting her shoes on

"Now come on move or you'll be late" she said

We both got into our car, as usual Alex hopping to the drivers seat

"Alright I'll drop you at Grey Sloan?" She asked and I nodded

"You know you had a chance to do your work views at a fire station. Why didn't you do that?" I asked

"I don't know" she shrugged as we made it to the parking lot

"Or why don't you tell mom about you applying for the academy" I asked "you know she's gonna be happy about it"

"She might not be" she said

"Why would you think that" I asked confused

"I don't know" she said "I'm just... I don't know Gracie. I'll pick you up as you finish okay?"

"Sure" I smiled as I hopped off "drive safe love you"

I walked into Greysloan feeling like I did belong here. Crazy to start my workviews 

"Look who is here" smiled Amelia as she came by "heard you're doing your work views here" she said and I nodded excitedly

"I'm guessing you'll be the only twin to be around here" she smiled and I nodded "alright then, hoping to see you around today"

Alex's POV
I made my way to 19 hoping to sneak into the gym without being caught since I knew my mom had a meeting at PD

"Hey hey" I heard


"What are you doing?" Asked Vic as she se me walking in "you're supposed to be at school"

"Well" I said "I mean yes and no"

"You're an awful liar. You really need lying classes, you know your moms are intelligent" she said "so why are you not in class"

I chuckled and said "I'm not lying. We're supposed to be having work views." I said "but I didn't sign up for any of them"

"Alright" she said "why didn't you?"

"Cause I'm not sure what I'm gonna be studying yet. So I'm not quite sure I should be signing up for any of them" I shrugged

"Yeah that sounds like an awful strategy" she laughed

"I know. And I'll head over to school later. Round midday. See if I can go somewhere so mom doesn't murder me" I said  "So, can I head over to the gym now?" I asked

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