Anniversary Date

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Maya's POV
Tomorrow was a big date for Carina. It was the anniversary of Andrew passing. I knew how she felt about this days so I knew we'd all be having to be around to support her.

"Morning my love" I said as I placed a kiss on her cheek

"Morning Bella" she smiled back

"I'm gonna go make breakfast" I said

"I'll help you" she said

"No no" I smiled "I'll make breakfast bring it to you in bed"

She smiled as I made my way downstairs to find Gracie making breakfast already

"Hey" I smiled "what you up to?"

"Making breakfast for mom" she said and I smiled back

"You're the best" I said as I hugged her and helped her finish everything

Alex's POV

I had dinner with Mark and drove over to the station later since I didn't want my moms asking why I was there till so late

"Morning" I said as I poured myself coffee finding Andy there.

"You slept here?" She asked and I nodded thinking they knew

"You're not going home?" She asked surprised

"I will in a few" I said "what's up?"

"Mind checking what date it's today?" She asked and I checked my phone. Shit "I gotta go" I said and she nodded. Fuck fuck.

I threw my bag in my car and hoped in driving as fast as I could back home parking. discretely trying to go in.

"Stop" I heard moms voice. fuck.

"I can explain" I tried to say

"I'm sure you can't" she said "Vic wasn't on call so you shouldn't be on call"

"I know" I said

"And I didn't see you on the photo they send of dinner last night so don't try and lie to me about you being there" she said

damn it she was good.

"You know you should have been here this morning with us" she said "your mother expected us all to be here"

"I'm sorry" I said "I promise I woke up and sprinted back"

"Alex that doesn't make it better." She said and walked away

"You really nailed it now" said Gracie as she came downstairs

"Grace..." I said as I held my head "I didn't mean for this..."

"It's one day in the year" she said "you have to think about someone else but you for one day in the year Alex"

"I..." I tried as she walked upstairs. Fuck. I didn't mean to.

Gracie's POV
I get that she's usually caught up in her world. Sure. But couldn't she just spare a day off her boyfriend and friends and think about her family for a second. We were just asking for a day. No more.

I walked over to the living room where mama was going through some old photos while mom helped her organize them

"Hey" I said as I sat down next to her

"Hey Bella" she smiled

"Is that you?!" I asked surprised as I picked up the photo where she nodded smiling "woah" I said "you were very young"

"What is that supposed to mean?" She chuckled and I smiled back

"She's calling us old" said mom as she sat next to me

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