Truth is Out

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Alex's POV

"hey" said Mark as he came over to my lockers

"hey" I smiled "morning to you"

"I was coming to offer a morning proposal" he smiled "I was wondering if you wanted to go have dinner tomorrow night"

I smiled and then sighed "I'm grounded" I said

"you're grounded?" he asked and I nodded "oh becuase you escaped from school the other day" he laughed and I nodded

"yeah pretty much" I nodded

"damn it then" he said "I guess we'll have to reschedule"

"guess so" I smiled and he pecked my cheek

"I gotta head to class" he smiled as he left

Gracie's POV

"and you didn't finish it?" asked Alicia "are you kidding me?"

"I didn't have time" I whispered

"you don't have a social life, so where the hell does your time go?" she said and I just looked at her "books are your friends and they don't even want to spend time with you"

"I'll finish it for tomorrow night" I said

"you better, cause if I fail this class I'm coming after you weirdo" she said as she left

I couldn't take it any longer, I had considered asking my moms to change me schools, but they would ask why and I couldn't really tell them.

"Gracie this is crazy" said Kathy "you can't this go on"

"I don't have a choice" I said

"tell your sister, your mothers, anyone Grace" she said "But this is no way of living, she can't talk to you that way"

"I can handle it" I said as I opened my locker "what?" I asked as I opened my textbook to see it had been cutted everywhere

"Gracie..." she said as I turned over the pages heading to the last one

"twins are supposed to be similar somehow. Not your case, there's a pretty and an ugly. A normal and a weirdo"

"this is enough" she said as she looked at me "you gotta report this"

As I was about to answer Alex came over to find something in her locker.

"what the actual hell" she said as she looked at me "are you kidding me?"

"Alex I..." I tried to say but words wouldn't come out of my mouth

"what the actual hell, are you expecting me to take the guilt for this one too?" she asked "you turning into this thing who skips classes and destroys her book, but sure under moms's eyes I'm the troublemaker" she said as she stormed away

"Grace if you don't tell her I will" she said and I shook my head

"It's only gonna get worse" I said

"how worse can it get?" she asked

Maya's POV

I made my way back home to find my whole family over there. Carina was making dinner as Grace was studying on the counter and Alex I assumed was upstairs

"hey honey" I said as I pecked Carina's lips and placed a kiss on Grace's head

"hey mom" she smiled

"how was school?" I asked

"It was alright" she said as she nodded

"you studying?" I asked and she nodded

"We've got a test tomorrow" she said

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