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eye contact

     THE LOUD CRIES of the younger girl, the one dressed in black, broke the silence

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     THE LOUD CRIES of the younger girl, the one dressed in black, broke the silence. She was obviously shaken up as everyone was slowly understanding the bigger goal behind the game.

If we don't guess correctly, we all die. Kaori ran a hand over her forehead, praying for the girl to come to her senses and understand that having such an outburst wouldn't get her out of this situation alive.

But the girl didn't seem to calm down, it only looked like she was crying harder every second, "I-I can't do this... I... N-No..."

Asuka stepped closer to the girl, unwillingly stepping over the dead body with the hopes of averting her attention away from it, "Hey, please, you have to calm down. I... I know it's hard but please, take a deep breath."

Kaori looked at the phone in her hand, realizing they only had ten minutes left to figure out all the differences. The next picture would be shown in four minutes which would give them less than six minutes to try and win the game.

"What's your name?" Asuka asked the girl who was still shaking and sobbing. Asuka quickly turned around to look at her friend, despair written in her eyes, "Help!"

Kaori shrugged her shoulders, taken aback, "What do you want me to do?" was all she could whisper, hearing a soft chuckle coming from right behind her.

She turned around to see that mysterious blonde man already watching her with the tiniest smile drawn on his lips. If she wasn't so used to paying attention to details, she probably would not have seen it since it vanished when he was caught watching her. He didn't look away though.

I swear I've already seen him somewhere. Is he famous or something? No... otherwise Asuka would have recognized him. What the hell, why can't I remember? She raised an eyebrow at him, almost as if she wanted a challenge, "What's so funny?"

The man looked at her up and down, as if he understood he was being challenged and accepted, and was about to open his mouth when another loud cry came out of the girl, "I can't take this! I can't!"

Everyone turned around as she started running towards the door. Kaori had never seen anyone run so fast in her life. Run for your life they say. She clasped the handle and tried to open the door, forgetting that they had been locked inside, and screamed angrily before another laser came from the ceiling, killing her on the spot.

Nobody even had time to process someone else had just been killed in front of them that the picture on the screen changed. Kaori had expected the list of differences to narrow down significantly. She had thought, maybe, all they had to find were two or three differences. That the game was trying to test their perception of details.

This time, Asuka was the one to break the silence, "Kaori, please tell me you're seeing what I'm seeing."

Kaori took a deep breath, releasing it as calmly as she could, "There are no differences."

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