pretty lady-yelena

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I always thought I would live in LA forever, it had been my home, my life, for as long as I could remember but turns out that's wasn't the case. After getting an amazing job offer in New York I had packed up my things and rather quickly moved to the Big Apple, leaving my life behind without a second thought. Now life was even better , but a tiny part of me felt lonelier than ever.

I inhale deeply, the city air not feeling as refreshing as it had four months ago when I had moved. Repressing a sigh I continue walking around the park watching families laugh on the grass and partners hold hands under trees. Jealousy fills my heart before an aching sadness floods through my system.

Turning away from the happy people I round the next corner only for a large shadow to knock me over. An outburst of laughter echoes behind me, embarrassment washing through me.

Grunting, I push myself to my feet and come face to face with a blonde woman with bright green eyes. "Sorry, my dog has a mind of her own. But it was a little bit funny." The woman scrunches her nose and tilts her head, her voice thick with a russian accent.

Her expression made me chuckle, a slight blush creeping up my cheeks. "Maybe a little funny. But it doesn't excuse the fact I know have dirt on my favourite hoodie." I sigh brushing my hand over my stomach where a large brown patch sits. The blonde glances down at the stain before shrugging. "Looks unique. Very pretty." She smiles rather charmingly and I can't help but laugh. "But I can make it up to you? Would you like to come back to mine for a coffee?" She continues almost daring me to say no.

I shrug, thinking about it for a second before nodding. "Let's go." The blonde grins, her mouth pursing as she calls her dog to her side. "Come on Fanny, be nice to the pretty lady." She pats the dogs head as it sniffs me, it's tail wagging even faster. "Fanny?" I ask with a smirk as we begin to walk to the blondes house. "Yes. I am Yelena and this is Fanny." She smiles proudly.

"My name is Skye." Yelena hums before nodding. "Yes, it suits you. Pretty name for a pretty lady." She winks and I shake my head averting my gaze as the blush reappears on my cheeks.

Gazing at the surroundings I frown as we approach an apartment building. "Is this your apartment building?" I ask curiously and Yelena nods pointing three windows away from the end of the building. "That's my apartment." She smiles continuing to walk in unaware I had stopped moving. "And that's mine." I say attracting the blondes attention again as I point two windows across from Yelena's.

"What, that is crazy." Yelena laughs. "Small world." I murmur and continue following the girl up the stairs to her apartment.

"Welcome." Yelena opens her front door and I slowly walk in, observing her layout. "I love it." I breathe. Plants sit in little pots scattered randomly, a very large and very expensive looking dog bed sits beside the tv and the couch is littered with cushions that a three year old would buy.

"Thank you. I love it too." Yelena gestures to the couch. "I'll make the coffee, you stay here pretty lady. Relax." She smiles moving to the kitchen leaving me with Fanny.

Hours turn into months as Yelena and I begin to see one another non stop. Whether it was because one of us had 'accidentally' left their jacket or coat at the others house or because we bumped into one another in the hallways we always found a way to spend hours talking.

Although there were some times where Yelena would disappear for days or even weeks and in that time I missed her, I felt as if didn't know what to do with myself if she wasn't with me. She's like a drug, without her I'm unstable but when she's around I've never been happier. I think I can positively say I've fallen for Yelena.

It had been three weeks since I'd last seen Yelena, the longest time she had been away and I was beginning to get worried. The thought of going into her apartment lingered in my brain but I brushed it away until I heard Fanny barking from inside Yelena's room.

"Shit." I murmur walking down the hallway and pressing the handle of the apartment door down. To my surprise it unlocks and I slowly walk in only to be greeted by an arm catching my throat and the barrel of a gun pointed at my forehead.

"Who are you and what are you doing in this apartment?" A raspy voice growls. Blinking away the black spots in my vision I frown at seeing none other than the famed Black Widow standing before me.

"Who are you?" She repeats herself.

"I'm Yelena's friend, Skye. I heard Fanny bark so I came over to see the problem." I blurt out and the spy frowns before lowering her gun. "I was feeding Fanny. My sister asked me to look after her while she is out." Natasha explains turning away from me to pat the dogs head. "Your sister? Yelena's your sister?" I gasp. Fanny barks excitedly at seeing me, her tail wagging excitedly as she licks my hands.

"She likes you." Natasha observes with a small smile ignoring my question. "Well I'm over here more than I am my own apartment, I'd be surprised if she didn't." I chuckle, deciding against re-asking my previous question. "But why is Yelena gone? She always disappears and then comes back acting like she never left." I frown asking the red head. Natasha hums like she was unsure of her answer. "Yelena is an avenger. She has her missions like all of us." She replies slowly and my eyes widen. "Avenger?" I whisper to myself and Natasha nods.

"Wait so-" I get cut off as once again I'm pressed against the wall by the red head but this time rather gently, her gun instead of glued to my forehead, held out in front of her as footsteps echo through the apartment.

My breath hitches in my throat as someone walks around the corner wearing a black mask, their gun held out in front of them before they pause. "Nat? Skye?" The figure asks pulling off the mask to reveal Yelena with a frown watching as Nat lets me off the wall.

"It's not what it looks like." I half laugh half sigh. I walk over to the blonde who watches me carefully. Seeing her in person again after three weeks without her gives me tingles all over, her cute confused smile sitting on her lips and her green eyes catching with mine."I'm going to hug you now ok?" I whisper and she smiles gently before nodding. Wrapping my arms around her waist I get a strong sense of homeliness. "I missed you." Yelena sighs into my ear, her arms tightening around my waist.

"I'm just gonna-" Nat doesn't even finish as she walks out the apartment leaving the two of us embraced in the living room.

"I think you need to start saying goodbye because it hurts when you leave without notice." I frown looking towards the floor. Yelena hums, her hands remaining on my waist. "Ok, only if you stop pretending to leave your jacket here so you can come over and just come over. I swear it takes you too long to gain the courage to ask for it back." She chuckles slowly leaning in so her foreheads on mine.

"How do you know I'm not just forgetting my jacket. I may not want to see you all the time." I tease gazing into her eyes. Yelena snorts. "Your in love with me pretty lady. Don't even try and deny it."

My cheeks flush red and Yelena laughs through her nose. "If I'm so in love with you then why haven't I kissed you yet?" I ask, my eyes flickering down towards her lips. Yelena raises an eyebrow. "I don't know." She replies and moves slightly closer to my face. "Why don't you try it out?"

Without waiting for any more words to leave her mouth I surge forwards and connect our lips, a breathy moan leaving Yelena's mouth at the contact. "I've been waiting for this for months." She whispers and I chuckle before crashing my lips back against hers.

And that lonely feeling that sat in my chest. I never felt it again.

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