i need you- yelena

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Bruise after bruise covers my body, the aching pains in my bones growing with every breathe. The pain was near unbearable, nothing I had ever felt before, the agonising throbbing of every limb sending me into overdrive attempting to prevent the groans of torment from escaping my lips.

The only thing I need in this moment is my girlfriend. Leaving her last night was hard enough and now all I need was to be back in her arms again. For her to kiss me and tell me everything was ok, her russian accent enhanced as she whispers sweet nothings into my ear, her hands intertwining with mine as I allow her to look after me.

Placing my head in my hands I wince as my fingers brush over the large gash just above my eyebrow. The gash I received from a knife of a soldier attempting to take my life.

The mission I had been sent on had gone downhill rather suddenly, the supposedly easy information gathering turning into an all out battle against trained soldiers. I was lucky to come out alive.

Despite my near death experience my thoughts were still devoted to my favourite blonde who was no doubt waiting for me to arrive home.

Squeezing my eyes closed in an attempt to block out the tears my foot taps the floor of the jet impatiently begging it to land so I could just find my girlfriend and be told everything was ok.

Finally Steve's monotone voice informs myself and Wanda the jet had landed. Pushing past both of them I speed walk through the halls momentarily ignoring the agonising pain spreading through my joints, my only thought finding Yelena.

Bursting through the living room door my eyes immediately fill with tears, my composure falling at the sight of Yelena chatting normally with the rest of the Avengers.

Her eyes fall on me, the smile she once held configuring into a frown knowing instantly something wasn't right. Her eyes flicker to the gash settled just above my eyebrow before coming back down to my eyes. Almost running towards the blonde I let myself fall onto her my body crashing into hers and my head burying itself into the crook of her neck.

"Hey detka what's wrong?" Yelena whispers wrapping one arm around my waist while the other runs through my tangled hair. Instead of worrying about the blood staining her hoodie her worries instead are focused on my sobs.

"I need you." Was all I manage to get out before tears spill, wetting her hoodie. Her hands immediately move to my thighs lifting me off the couch and moving swiftly towards her room.

Gently placing me on the bed mindful of my bruises she moves into the bathroom and turns on the bath, allowing it to run for a while. Returning to my side, she slowly reaches for my zip on my chest removing my bodysuit. Biting her lip at the state of my torso her eyes meet mine, only hers are filled with worry while mine flood with tears. 

Scratches litter my chest and stomach while purple and black bruises line my back. "Oh baby." Yelena sighs cupping my head and kissing my temple. Her fingers fall onto my chest brushing over the minor cuts with a frown angered to see her baby hurt.

Tears fall from my eyes as exhaustion overcomes me. "I'm so tired Lena." I sob placing my head in my hands ignoring the stinging of my eyebrow. Yelena crouches before me her hands softly gripping my own and pulling them downwards.

"I know moya lyubov, I know. Just have to wait a little bit longer ok? And then you can sleep detka." She murmurs placing kisses against my palms. Gazing into her emerald eyes I find so much peace in them I fall even deeper in love with the assassin.

"Ok." I sniff latching onto her as she carries me towards the bathroom placing me on the bench before tending to my wounds.

Watching her work I smile allowing my mind to wander.

I know I have darkness in me, a darkness that surrounds my insides swallowing them into a pit of blackness forever. But Yelena. Yelena is my light, the light that shines through the darkness making it a little less scary. Picking up my broken pieces and placing them back together time and time again. Falling in love with her is easy, my world starts with her and ends with her. I could run forever trying to escape the terrifying feeling we call love yet I would still end up right back in her arms. My safe space. My home. She is my home.

"All done." Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts, the gentle touch of her hand on my thigh bringing me back to reality. "You ok moya lyubov?" Yelena asks worry casing her face as she notices my glossy eyes. Smiling I take her face in my hands before nodding. "Better now." I reply before pulling her face towards mine and planting a kiss on her lips enjoying the red tint that covers her cheeks.

"Let's get you bathed." She whispers against my lips picking up my bare body once again and lowering me into the tub. I sigh at the feeling of the warm water soaking into my skin cleansing the dirt and blood off my skin.

Yelena begins massaging my head, her nails softly raking my scalp time and time again while her lips press the occasional kiss to my hair.

Closing my eyes I rest my head against the rim of the bath enjoying the special treatment. "Thank you." I whisper opening my eyes and tilting my head backwards to smile at my girlfriend who simply chuckles. "It's what I'm here for. You shouldn't have to thank me." She replies leaning down to connect our lips.

"What did I do to deserve someone like you?" I sigh reaching up to cup Yelena's face to which she simply smiles leaning into my hand.

Coldness fills the once warm water signalling it was time to get out. Yelena takes it upon herself to wrap me in a towel and usher me towards the bed where her hoodie lays waiting for me to slip it on.

Now clothed my exhaustion takes over once again a yawn earning a light chuckle from the blonde. "Come here detka." She murmurs opening her arms as she lays down in the bed.

Crawling towards her I lay by her side, my head resting on her collarbone listening to the soft beating of her heart. Wrapping her arms around my waist Yelena pulls me even closer, our legs intertwined under the covers. Her hand traces patterns along my back underneath the hoodie sending me deeper into a trance of relaxation. "I need you always." I whisper closing my eyes as the sleep begins taking over.

Yelena kisses my hair with a smile. "And I'll always be here when you need."

ok this was pretty cute ngl

let me know what u want next...
i'm thinking of doing yelena or flo with an adhd girlfriend like someone requested i'm just not sure how to...

but if you want me to i will do some research and write it for you guys so let me know :)

i love you guys thank you all so much for all the reads :)

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