We cant be together- yelena

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"WE CANT BE TOGETHER." Yelena yells running an irritated hand through her hair as she faces the wall not even giving me a glance.

Her jaw clenches tightly while her breaths come out hard and fast which normally I would find attractive if it weren't for the fact she was breaking up with me.

She was an avenger while I was a lawyer. I don't know how I managed to pull her but I did, for a while. I fell in love with her and I know she fell in love with me too. So why's she leaving?

"Why Lena? Why?" I reply, whispering to try to keep my tears at bay. Yelena's eyes narrow at my question. Pacing back and forth she tangles her hands in her hair with a grunt. "We just can't be. Your gonna get hurt. And I would rather die than see you get hurt. It's just better this way Skye." She sighs pausing to glance at my heartbroken face.

Shaking my head furiously I manage to squeeze out a quick please begging her to stay. "We can't be together. I'm too much of a danger to you." Yelena finishes before slamming the apartment door behind her.

She was gone.

Watching her leave broke me. More than anything could.

My knees collapse from under me and an unearthly scream leaves me throat. Tears fall onto the carpet below as I smash my fists against the ground praying this was just a bad dream.


The next morning I couldn't find it in myself to get out of bed. The cold blankets and lingering smell of Yelena's perfume finally persuade me. I sigh, walking towards the bathroom where I manage to push myself under the shower.

A single tear escapes my eye at seeing Yelena's hoodie lying in my wardrobe while I change. Wiping it away I drag myself towards the kitchen determined to make myself a cup of coffee praying it would wake me up more.

Turning the corner I freeze as the kitchen lays in a worse state then I had left it. Glass from a shattered window litters the floor while the fruit I had stacked up on the counter rolls around the ground. "Hello?" I yell nervously stepping forwards avoiding the broken shards.

"Hello there Miss L/N. Your going to come with us now." A voice chuckles before my vision goes black...


"Please I don't know anything." I beg earning another slap across my face. "Tell me where Yelena is. We know your dating her." The man demands leaning into my face, his spit collecting in the sides of his mouth making me cringe. "We broke up." I whisper dropping my head a little, the words still hurting my heart.

"Don't lie to me bitch." He seethes sending a fist into my stomach making me double over in pain. "Why would I lie? She ended things with me. She doesn't love me and she won't care that you have me." I yell spitting the blood pooling in my mouth to the side.

The man laughs but his laugh fades quickly as a pair of hands grip his neck snapping it with precision.

"I never said I didn't love you." Yelena whispers appearing from behind the dead man and rushing to my side holding my face in her hands.

"But you broke up with me." I whisper allowing her to hold me. Her thumb rubs my cheek as she clicks her tongue in disagreement. "To protect you from shit like this. But that didn't work. So now I guess I'm going to have to keep you as close as possible." She smiles wiping away the tears from my eye.

Unstrapping me from the chair I was trapped in Yelena presses a kiss to my lips pulling my waist towards her. "Does this mean we are back together?" I whisper wrapping my hands around her neck with a bright smile ignoring the pain in my face. Yelena chuckles stroking the light bruise forming on my jaw.

"We are back together baby."

short and sweeet my friends.

god i love yelena/ florence so so much.


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