jealousy- yelena

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request by @user36883936

Kate and I are best friends, we had been even before she joined the Avengers alongside me

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Kate and I are best friends, we had been even before she joined the Avengers alongside me. No matter what happens we always have each other's back. She's the first person I ever came out to and supported me throughout my parents disowning me for my sexuality and abusing me for months. That shit hurt like a lot and I was severely suicidal for months, in fact if Kate didn't save me and have my back I wouldn't be here today. Physical touch was both of our ways of showing our love to one another and to other people it looks like we are dating but we aren't. We can't be cause I don't like Kate like that... I like Yelena.

"Kate I swear to god you need to grow up." I chuckle allowing the archer to cuddle into my side even more as the movie continued playing.

Stark was forcing the seven of us to have a movie night seeing he had upgraded the TVs in the living room to 5D... whatever the hell that meant.

So it was basically just Kate and I cuddled up on one armchair limbs entangled and hands intertwined, Tony and Steve on the far side of the L couch whilst Clint, Nat and Yelena sit in the middle closest to Kate and I.

"Shut up I hate horror movies." Kate whimpers burying her head into my neck. I only hum in reply my eyes drifting over to a certain blonde who seemed to be frowning about something, who knows.

"Ok the jump scares over." I whisper prying Kates head from my neck and shuffling so her head now rests on my shoulder. "I see you staring at Yelena." Kate whispers in my ear earning a blush to form around my cheeks.

Gripping Kates cheeks with one hand I stare deep into her eyes trying to seem menacing. "We do not talk about my crushes." I murmur oblivious to the death stare Yelena was sending Kates way as Kate stares right back into my eyes.

"Right right sorry miss attitude." Kate retorts returning to her position on my shoulder. I merely roll my eyes before placing my cheek on her head and continuing to watch the movie still oblivious to the looks of jealousy sent my way.

An hour passes and I chuckle as Kates light snores begin to travel to my ears. "Ok Kate and I are gonna go to bed." I address the room standing with a grunt as I shove Kate off me and onto the floor below.

"Woah wha- oh sorry." Kate grins awkwardly regaining her balance and rubbing her eyes.

"Alright goodnight kid." Tony nods opening his arms for a hug. I smile walking over to the billionaire and hugging him tightly. Then I move to the side and wrap my arms around the super soldier beside him which earns a grunt from the man.

"Ah goodnight Skye." Steve chuckles letting me go with a kiss to my forehead. Clint raises an eyebrow as I lean forwards into his arms before shaking his head with a chuckle. "Kate get over here." He frowns gesturing to the archer who runs and jumps in his arms as I leave.

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