have you taken your meds?-florence

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request by @flo_pugh_ismywife_xx

request by @flo_pugh_ismywife_xx

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Reply to an email. That's it. Thats all I have to do before 7:00pm when my girlfriend, Florence would come home but I just couldn't seem to focus.

Glancing at the clock which read 6:20 I momentarily pause watching almost entranced as the hands of the clock tick by ever so slowly. "Shit." I gasp blinking fiercely as ten minutes seem to pass by, the clock now reading 6:30.

Running a shaky hand through my hair I rest my face against the desk groaning loud enough that my neighbours probably heard me.

Restlessly rapping my fingers against the wood I squint trying to re-read the one sentence I had managed to type throughout my hour and a half of attempts. My thigh begins to bounce replacing my fingers as they now hover over the keyboard unsure of what to type next.

A few minutes tick by before I become even more frustrated shoving my computer backwards and standing with enough force to knock my chair backwards. Running both hands through my hair I grip the roots tightly and pacing the floor rather quickly.

My eyes flicker to the clock once again. 6:45. Sighing I retreat to the kitchen hoping a snack would help ease my seemingly never ending symptoms.

Struggling with ADHD is irritating, very very irritating. Making me hyper one day and bored the next, it was very unpredictable. Luckily I found Florence who managed to deal with my random mood swings and low attention span. Forgetting daily tasks was an extremely common symptom for me, I know it doesn't sound that bad but there are times I forget to brush my teeth or wash my hair or even eat meals, Florence having to consistently remind me to do even the most basic of tasks.

Opening the fridge I scan the contents before frowning and closing it heading towards the pantry. Opening the pantry I immediately fist pump the air at seeing that Florence had bought my favourite chips.

Silently thanking her I grab the bag from the shelf with a small squeal of delight. A permanent smile sits on my face as I do a little dance around the island countertop before coming to a stop and ripping open the packet.

Devouring the chips I sigh contently leaning back against the countertop. Gently tapping my foot against the marble floor I gaze at the wall in front of me, a blank stare coating my face.

Minutes pass by as I continue to stare at the wall, daydreaming about nothing and everything unaware of the front door opening.

"Hey darling I'm home." Florence's voice is distant as I continue to daydream as if she wasn't there.

Her arms wrap around my waist breaking me from my trance. My eyes widen before I smile excitedly at seeing my girlfriend once again.

"Ahh I'm sorry I zoned out for a second." I chuckle rubbing the back of my neck apologetically.

"It's ok. Did you finish the email that I asked you to do today?" Flo asks tilting her head slightly removing her arms from around my waist stepping back with a small smile.

Face palming my head I groan. "Shit I'm sorry I got so distracted and then I went to come get food cause I thought it would help me, I don't know concentrate or something but it didn't cause I ended up getting excited over-"

Flo cuts me off pressing her lips to mine. "Shh it's ok. You don't have to explain yourself it was an accident." Flo grins rubbing her hand over my own.

Nodding slowly I close my eyes in relief. "Thank you. Today had been really hard. I don't know I just haven't been focusing at all." I frown.

Flo raises one eyebrow before cupping my face with her hand. "Did you take your meds this morning?" She asks gently knowing this question was very hurtful when asked the wrong way.

I let out a little laugh before shaking my head. "I forgot. I got distracted trying not to forget to brush my teeth." Florence merely shakes her head in amusement.  "Oh well. I'll help remind you tomorrow my love ok?"

Kissing her palm I nod before gripping her waist and pulling her body against my own. "What would I do without you?"

AGHHHH here you guys go

ummm i tried to research symptoms and stuff so i hope i represented ADHD alright im so sorry if i didn't

anyway thank you guys so much for reading this book :)))

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