im sorry - yelena

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requested by @madebyagenerator

"Seriously? Your mad because I skipped the gym one time?" I scoff glaring at Yelena who frowns before me.

"But it's not just one time Skye, you always skip the gym when something stupid comes up." She groans, her hands sitting crossed on her chest.

"Something stupid? Wanda's birthday is not something stupid Yelena! I skipped so I could surprise my sister with a cake and presents, what if that were Nat?" I yell rolling my eyes at the blond who doesn't seem to care.

"Then I would make time to give Nat her present before." Yelena's hands gesture everywhere while the pout on her face deepens.

"Can you just give it up? It's one time geez. I promise I'll go next time. " Rolling my eyes I turn away from Yelena who huffs in annoyance.

"I'm just trying to help you seeing you need to workout more anyway." She murmurs under her breath oblivious to the fact I can hear her.

"What?" I turn around tears threatening to fall after hearing her, but she's gone.

Tears fall freely now as I replay Yelena's sentence over and over again. Body issues were already something I struggle with and Yelena knows that, being my girlfriend she was meant to help me and support me. Not belittle me.


The next few weeks I busy myself with working out too the point where I barely see anyone, let alone Yelena.

During dinners I was out in the gym, during lunches I was out in the gym and even during breakfast I was busy training, trying so desperately to take off the weight.

Wanda and Nat were worried, both of them talking together to try and force me to join them for dinner or lunch but each time I refused.


"Skye? You in there?" Wanda's voice murmurs from behind the door.

"Yeah come in."

Opening the door, Wanda's face instantly drops.

"Your going to the gym again?" She frowns crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well yeah." I shrug turning away from her to finish grabbing my water and sweat towel.

"Right ok." She sighs turning to leave the room, pausing before closing the door.

"Just try and make dinner tonight please."

"Mhm." I nod focusing on filling up my water knowing I wouldn't make it to dinner.

Hearing the click of the door closing, I finally grab my stuff and make my way to the gym.


wanda pov

"Yelena." I shout through the kitchen waiting impatiently for the blonde to find me.

"What?" She frowns coming to a stop at the kitchen bench.

"Lena manners." Nat scolds like a child, her arm wrapped around my waist.

"Have you talked to your girlfriend lately?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, every night. Before she goes to sleep, which is actually pretty quick." Yelena grins.

"Oh Lena," Nat sighs letting me go to sit beside her sister.

"Lena I think Skye's upset at you. Have you said or done anything to annoy her? Because she's been spending a lot of time in the gym, I think she's working her anger out." Nat explains.

"She's also been skipping meals a lot, I know my sister and that's a sign she's upset. Unless you can apologise for whatever it is you've done she's going to stay upset." I add.

Yelena nods slowly.

"How am I meant to know if she's mad? Do I ask her? I've never been in a relationship before. I'm no good at this." Yelena groans covering her face with her hands.

Nat wraps her arm around Yelena's shoulders.

"Think about the past few weeks, have you said or done anything to upset her? I know whenever I upset Nat I always apologise as soon as possible or try to at least." I shrug giving Nat a quick glance to see her rolling her eyes playfully.

Yelena buries her head deeper into her palms before she abruptly sits up.

"Oh shit. Oh shit. I fucked up. I fucked up so bad." She whispers standing up and running out the room before either of us could say anything more.


skyes pov

I choke back a sob at the state of myself in the mirror.

Sweaty and gross, the flab on my stomach pushing against the band of my pants making me want to throw up.

"I fucking hate myself." Squeezing my eyes shut I bite back tears at the hideous reflection staring back at me.


Yelena's voice causes me to freeze. Panic setting in at her seeing me in this state.

"I'm so so so sorry Skye." Yelena rambles rushing to my side.

Her hands find mine, gripping them gently.

"I should've never ever said you needed to go to the gym. I don't even know what I was thinking. Your perfect detka. So insanely perfect I ask myself each day how I ended up with you." She whispers frowning hard at the floor below.

My mouth doesn't move.

"Please forgive me. I wasn't thinking when I said it. Detka I honestly think your the most beautiful woman alive. I could never love anyone more than I love you." Yelena almost sobs staring up at me with teary green eyes.

A small smile cracks my facade.

"I forgive you. But you weren't wrong. I need to lose weight. And I have. I've lost a few kilos. If I keep going I'll be skinny soon." I grin.

"Not like this. This is unhealthy. I've seen you skip your meals, we all have. If you really want to lose weight I will help you but I think your perfect the way you are." Yelena frowns drawing me closer until our noses are touching.

"Ok." I whisper.

"Ok?" Yelena smiles.

Nodding, I kiss her lips relishing in the euphoric feeling of being back in her arms again.

i didn't proof read this because i'm lazy.

i hope you like it tho, apologies if you don't :/

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