She's Gone- Yelena

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Nats dead and Yelena has just come back from being dusted and is re-uniting with Skye


Tears fall onto my bed wetting my sheets as I sob. Through my tears I take another look at the picture I had sitting on my bedside table. "I miss you," I whisper hugging my pillow letting my sobs take over.

Yelena Belova.

She was gone. She had been dusted almost 5 years ago. 5 years. As I take another look at Yelena's picture my phone rings making me jump. My hand immediately goes to my gun at my waist and I stand up accidently knocking the photo of Yelena off the desk. "NO," I sob as the photo smashes onto the floor.

Tears slip down my face as I answer the phone and sit back down. "Hello who is this," I ask carefully.

"Hey Skye it's Bruce, Bruce Banner." Bruce says sadly. I frown a little noticing the sad tone in his voice. "Why did you call me?" I ask a little nervously.

"Im so sorry Skye..." Bruce begins his voice cracking. "Nat's gone." He sobs. I choke a little shaking my head. "Wh-what do you mean gone?" I ask. "She's dead Skye... she sacrificed herself for everyone. Im so sorry I know how close you we-," I hang up the phone before Bruce can finish and sit on my bed.

Nat and I were best friends... we did everything together. Ever since the red room we had been inseparable. And even when she joined the avengers she never forgot about me. She was my sister, my best friend, my family. And now she was gone as well.

My face was swollen and bright red as tears continue to run while I grieve the loss of Nat and Yelena. I smile as I remember the time we busted Alexi out of prison. And the time Yelena rescued me from the red room. I lay back on my bed my chest heaving. My eyes begin to close from exhaustion when I hear the doorbell ring. I don't move as I am just overcome with exhaustion and pain.

Everything is silent once again until I hear the door get broken down making me sit up cautiously.

I remove my gun from my waist and slowly stand up wiping my eyes. I peek around the corner of my bedroom and make my way to the living room my gun held out in front of me.

I frown as I slowly make my way across the open room. I spin around quickly as I hear footsteps behind me. I gasp as someone stands in my living room pointing there gun right at me. My lip begins to quiver and my gun falls to the floor.

"Y-Yelena?" I ask the beautiful russian women.She nods and smiles at me. Her gun clatters to the floor as well as I drop to my knees completely in shock.

Yelena walks over to me and drops to her knees as well. "Miss me?" She laughs holding my face in her hands. I look into her blue eyes and nod running my hands through her hair. "I thought you died." I whisper. "5 years I spent without you... I missed you so much," I cry. "Well at least you had Nat." She replies making me cry even more. "Skye whats wrong?" Yelena asks wiping my tears with her thumb.

"Nat's gone." I whisper looking down at the floor. Yelena draws in a sharp breath. "What?" She asks close to tears. "Nats dead Yelena... I just found out today, she sacrificed herself so you could come back, so everyone could." I sob.

Yelena doesn't say anything but her smile fades into a frown. She shakes her head. "No... please no," She begins to cry. "NAT, PLEASE NO." She continues. I pull her close to me as she cries. "Its ok, I am here for you." I whisper kissing her hair gently.

Yelena curls up in my lap sobbing as I stroke her hair my tears slowly falling onto her. "I thought you were dead Lena," I repeat still in awe that she is here. "I missed you too Skye," She replies through sobs.

Yelena sits up and I wipe her tears. I smile a little and place my forehead on hers. "We still have each other." I say hugging her, my head in the crook of her neck.She nods sniffing and running her hands down my back.

~4 weeks later~

"Come on Fanny,"I say as Yelena and I get out of our car along with our new dog Fanny. "I miss her." I sigh taking Yelena's hand in mine and kissing it gently. Yelena smiles a little and looks up at the sky nodding. "I do as well."

We continue walking for a little while until we get to the gravestone. "You ok?" I ask wrapping my arms around her waist from behind. She nods her hands on mine. "Give me a second ok?" She says removing my hands and kissing my lips.

I nod and sit on a rock watching as she walks over to the gravestone and crouching next to it placing her head on the stone. She whistles a high then low note and her lip quivers.

"Come here." I whisper holding my arms out for her. She stands up and looks at me walking towards me sobbing a little. "Everything will get better." I whisper as she hugs me tightly. She nods and sighs her head in the crook of my neck. "I love you Skye."

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