29-Loving the House

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So, this story is going to get good, the ending is shocking, so please bare with us.The answer to the quote the last chapter was Downton abbey.

Nico's POV

Yeah, so Carter, like Rachel, sees through the mist. Earlier in the school year there was this monster and Carter saw me. The other boys thought it was a large bird, but Carter saw it was one of those crazy metal birds.

"You sure?" I responded. I don't like using my powers, especially not for something bad like ditching school.

"Yeah, who'll know." he said openly.

I sighed and stomped my foot to the ground. The room shook, not violently but enough for the staff to let out a strangled yelp of surprise.

"Run!" I directed and we ran through the doors and landed on our skate boards.

"Freedom!" Nixon shouted, his voice echoing.

We rode down the street so we were far away from school. Then we stopped at the light and huddled together.

"Where to?" I asked.

We all thought for a moment.

"New York Giants game?" Hale offered.

"Nah, no football." Nixon rejected. "Rob a jewelery shop?"

"No." Carter said strictly," Why are you even saying that. We're not criminals,"

"Fine, fine." Nixon said in surrender.

"Go to a baseball game, ride a float, dine at a fancy restart?" Carter offered.

We all laughed," Really, Ferris Biewers day off?" I said.

It's a movie about a boy who ditches school and does all these amazing things.

"Actually," I said an idea filling my head, "Come with me."

We skated for another half and hour and then took the subway. We rode the subway for a long time so we were at the outskirts of town.

We traveled for a little longer before arriving at an old run down ware house. It's walls were covered in moldy rust, it was a strange orange color.

The doorway creaked open.

Inside was all concrete and rundown, it was several stories high and had tiers to the building, inside balconies.

I raced up the stairs and they followed. I arrived at the top balcony, underneath the glass rough.

There were some posters hung and a wound of blankets.

"This is my hideaway," I shared, presenting my small anclove.

"Cool." Carter said.

Of course he could see the assortment of weapons and books in Greek strewn around.

"Wow! How often do you come here?" Hale asked.

"Dunno, usually if I can't sleep, so about once a week,"

Hazel doesn't know, nor does anyone else. I wanted to take Alex here one night, but I wasn't sure if it were appropriate.

"How did you find it, it's about two hours from school." Carter asked.

"Wandering," I shrugged.

So we sat and talked as the sky turned to night.

"Wanna tell scary stories ," Hale offered

"I have one," Carter said wirh a smirk,"Mrs. Riggins in a cheerleaders uniform,"

We cracked up laughing.

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