25-Loving the Surprises

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Sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to put an update out there.

Nico's POV
"Get up, Nico. Right now," my sister said, her voice tense. She was shaking me, attempting to wake me.

Even with my eyes shut I felt the sun pour into the room, she must've opened the window.

Those are all weak attempts to wake me up. I don't get up for anything. And she knew I was awake, just refusing to achnowledge it.

"No," I mumble into my pillow.

"Alright." she said, sounding livid, "Let's try this another way." she stormed off, slamming the door.

Hopefully she gave up, and is leaving me alone now. That would be good, I am very stubborn if you haven't guessed so already.

A few moments later the door swung open again. And before I she or I could say anything, I was wet.

Soaking wet.

"HAZEL!" I shouted, sitting bolt up. Water fell from my hair, stining my face and eyes.I shivered, chills running up my spine, or maybe that was just the water.

She looked amused and happy, "Its your fault, you didn't get up when I asked." she said happily. I glared at her. "But you're up now, my job is done" she said nonchalantly.

She left me alone, dripping wet.

I moaned and untucked my feet from beneath me and stood up. I walked out of my room and into the hall. I pulled a towel from the cabinent and wrapped it around me. Hazel must be making breakfast because eI can smell it from here.

I returned to my room and dried off. Once dry I pulled out the shirt that o=was ontop.

The shirt was from Jason and Percy for my birthday, it was black and had a Hi, my name is sticker and then instead of my name it said trouble.

(A/N: My friend had that shirt on yesterday)

I headed into the kitchen ducking through the doorway. Hazel was standing over the stove making pancakes.

"Mm. Smells good." I hummed sitting at the bar. I swirked around in the chairs until hazel placed a plate infront of me.

"Eat up." she said.

"Thanks." I said stuffing pancakes into my mouth.

She leaned on the cpountere across from me, "So, Nico, remember what I told you last night?"

"yes." I mumbled," I know."

"All A's and B's or you have to come to every party we get invited to." she said.

Maybe parties aren't that bad....much better then actually trying during school.

"Come on, its time to go," she said hurriedly.

We waited out on the curb, it was cold out, causing me to pull my jacket tighter.

"Its cold out," I said dumbly.

Hazel gave me a 'duh'," Of course its cold, its January,"

I saw my breath come from my mouth like a snake, thin clouds of air.

I put my gloved hands to the side of my face hoping for some warmth. We were heading on a quest one ime and it was freezing so I had picked up fingerless gloves and well, I managed not to loose them.

A car pulled up beside as and Percy poked his head out. His cheeks were red and his eyes were full of worry, "Get in." eh said harshly.

Someone was in a bad mood.

I jumped in shotgun, while Hazel sat in back. We were Percy's first pick up, tehn Annabeth and Piper, but Jason's driving himself.

"Perce," hazel said softly, "Is everything okay."


"No. Its Tyson-there was a bomb at my dads palace and no one is able to find Tyson." he said hurriedly.

We were quiet, atleast I was. Im never very good with emotional incidents. Because I know the phrases "Everything is going to be alright," or "everything is fin," is minotaur poop.

"Don't worry, Im sure they'll find him," Hazel said in her motherly ovoice. I couldn't help but grunt.

Percy shot me a glare, "Do you have anything to say, di Angelo?"

"No-I was-never mind," I said.

"No, do you not think we will find him." he asked hotly.

"Well, Jackson," I said indigiantly, "we're demigods, life never works out."

My mind flashed to Bianca, and the Alex. I wont be able to see Alex cvery often. And just all the styx that has gone on in my life. Sometimes, most of the time, I wish I wasn't a demigod and that I was just another mortal, with my main worry are bills.

"Is this about Bianca?" Percy asked, his voice raised. "Look I've apologize, what more can I say to make you not mad at me,"

I was taken aback. Did he really think- no I was just speaking in broad terms.

"No, Percy," I hissed," I wasn't suggesting that," I said referring to Bianca. Geez, I mean I see her everyday.

he was silent.

"I was just speaking in general. That's it. You're being over dramatic," I said, clearly annoyed.

"What's going on?" Hazel asked, curiosity and nervousness in her voice.

"Nothing." Percy and I said in unison.

"It's doesn't seem like nothing," Hazel shot back.

"Shut up." I growled. I was not in a good mood. I don't know why, but it began with Hazel drenching me until I woke up.

"Wow. Mr.Grumpy," Percy said hotly.

I remained silent, unsure what else to say.

Once we were at school I departed from the group to my locker. I squinted at the scratched out numbers and managed to find my locker.

I opened my locker with slight difficulty. I exchanged some books and then swung my back pack over my shoulder.

We always meet outside our advisory five minutes before bell.

They were engaged in a conversation so when I snuck up behind Jason he jumped.

"Nico! You scared me," he said, startled.

"All I did was walk up, Grace." I said bitterly.

Jason looled offended.

"Told you man, Nico is pissed today," Percy said playfully.

I scowled," For gods sakes Jackson, shut up."


The bell rang and suddenly everyone who was in the hall began running. We simply ducked through the doorway into the room.

I shuffled to the back row and dropped my bags. Everyone typically sat up front but I refused to be in the first six rows.

I shrugged off my back pack and opened it to grab my notebook. I opened to the back page wich was covered with doodles. So I took out my pencils and began doodling.

The teacher began speaking but I didn't care to pay attention.

But a word caught my attention," -new here. She moved from suburbs to here in long Island,"

I gasped.

The girl standing besides Mrs. smiley (not her real name it's a nickname) was different.

Her hair was collarbone short, straight, black. No more colors or curls. Her once swirling green eyes were electric blue.

It was Alex.

But not Alex.

Question of the day : If you could be an animal what animal would you be(I know off topic)

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