Chapter 30

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My eyes shot open the next morning on their own accord. It was like my Christmas spidey senses were tingling, telling me it was Christmas morning. The house was quiet, and I knew everyone was still asleep. But I felt it. Christmas day. It clung to the air so potently that it could be felt down to my soul. I silently clapped and shimmed from excitement.

"Let me guess," Austin grumbled, still with his eyes closed. "You're already ready to get this day started."

I hadn't meant to wake him up, but too late now! I curled into him. "Yes! It's Christmas! Don't you like waking up early to run down and open presents?"

He groaned and rubbed his eyes before opening them. "Please tell me it's at least past eight am."

I checked the clock. It was promptly 8:01am. "It is." I smiled.

"Alright." He pushed himself up. "But I need coffee first."

"Obviously." I grinned thinking of him opening his gift but remembered what it was and that his parents were here. Shit that would be freakin' awkward. "Um, before we go down there, I need to give you your gift up here. In private."

Austin instantly perked up intrigued. "Really? What could it possibly be?"

I bit my lip. "Let me sneak down and get it. I'll be right back." He made no moves to stop me, and I got up and tip-toed downstairs to grab the wrapped present then sprinted back upstairs. I softly closed the door behind me.

He was already trying to decipher what it was as I sat down on the bed. "Must be good if you don't want my parents to see," he commented.

I tucked a strand of hair back. "I like to think so. But I hope you like it." I handed it to him. "I didn't really know what to get you since you already have everything. So I tried to give you something only I could. And I was thinking you could hang it up in your recording studio or man cave downstairs." I shrugged feeling a little nervous.

Austin reached out to grip my thigh. "Sky. Whatever it is, I know I'm going to love it."

I nodded staying quiet to let him open it. He tore the paper away until he revealed the front of the calendar. We chose one of the photos from the pool to go on it and instantly his eyes widened. "You didn't," he said, the excitement of it brimming off of him that it made me smile.

He opened it and the first picture was me in his gaming room. Then he flipped to the next and it was me in his Cowboys jersey. "Holy fuck, babe," he uttered. Page after page he flipped through. "I might need you to recreate some of these for me in person."

I grinned and blushed at the same time. "If you insist. Um, so does that mean you like it?"

"Ha! Ask my dick that." I glanced down to find he did indeed have some restraint happening under his briefs. "I fucking love it." He got to the last photo and bit his lip before setting it down. He reached out to tug me forward and kiss me. "You are so goddamn amazing, you know that?"

His words made me inch closer, but we had to retrain ourselves to not take it any further knowing his parents would be waking up soon.

"I just realized," he started, "who took these photos?"

"Gina," I said assuring him. "I actually need to return the camera I borrowed."

His eyes perked up. "You still have the camera?"

I nodded.

"Maybe you won't return it just yet."

Austin," I said, wondering what he was thinking. Before I could press him on it there was a knock at the door.

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