Chapter 17

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I turned around and discovered a man who was right around the age of Urban if I had to guess. He was tall...and I mean really tall, lean build, facial scruff, and the cutest head of curly hair. He was dressed in faded jeans, a white t-shirt, and a faded jean jacket.

"I was just telling these ladies how you're the next big thing," Urban replied.

Jack played up a shy smile. "Why are you trying to embarrass me?" he asked.

"Wait, you're Jack?" I asked to confirm.

He nodded, giving me his full attention now. "I hope he didn't make me sound like too big of a douchebag. I swear I'm not." He grinned and I swear there were a thousand watts behind it.

Unable to help myself, I smiled back. "Not at all. I promise. However, I'll confess, I didn't know who you were, so maybe I'm the one who sounds like a douchebag." I winced playfully.

He shifted ever so slightly towards me. His movements were light and smooth even though he was just standing there. "Not at all."

His nearness, all of a sudden, made me involuntary blush. I had no idea why, so I blamed it on the three drinks and shot that I was now feeling swimming fast in my bloodstream. I had to look away but caught Gina and Gergana looking at me curiously.

"I uh, my friend Gina here seems to like your music though," I said, diverting the attention off of me. "Isn't that right?"

Gina grinned, seeing right through me. "Yeah," she said. "My husband showed me your music. I'm usually a Zedd and Steve Aoki kind of girl, but I really like your sound."

"I appreciate that," Jack said, placing a humble hand over his chest. "Tell your husband I'm glad he enjoys it as well."

Her eyes flicked up. "Oh, it looks like you can actually tell him yourself," she said. "He's walking over this way." Gina's eyes looked at me pointedly but with a grin. "Along with my friend Skyler's boyfriend."

Jack seemed to first make note of her comment about me, then looked up to see Austin and Jace walking towards us. "Shit, is Jace your husband?" he asked Gina.

She grinned with pride. "Sure is."

"Damn, I've got a lot of respect for that man," he praised. "He has produced some of my favorite songs recently." Jack's eyes fell onto me and pieced something together. "Damn, that means you're with Austin?"

I nodded. "Yup."

Jack raised his brows, cocking his jaw to the side. "Lucky guy." There was true regret in his voice.

I blushed again and looked away. Okay, how was this guy so charming in everything he said! It's probably just the alcohol...

In fact, it was making me warm in my own skin, and I had to shed my jacket. I tried to ignore the way Jack's eyes flicked over to me as I was draping it over my arm. But Gergana was quick to ask if she could use my jacket instead. I gladly passed it to her, needing anyone to look at besides Jack.

Austin and Jace reached us and they automatically greeted Jack and Urban seeming to know each other already. It shouldn't have come as a surprise though. Everyone knew everyone. As easily as all the other times, they fell into a conversation, and here and there, the girls and I were able to contribute since it was mostly talk about music.

At some point, Gergana had gotten a call from someone, and she excused herself from the group. Before I could ask her where she was taking off to, she was sprinting into the distance.

As I brought my attention back towards the group, I heard, "Ah shit, my boy Pete is here!" Jack called out. "Pete!"

I looked over to see who his friend Pete was and my eyes widened. Oh way. I nearly fell over as my eyes landed on Pete Davidson. I loved him on SNL! Not to mention he was in numerous movies that I loved too. I wouldn't go calling myself some crazy fan but this was definitely a highlight of the night. And I'd never admit it out loud for the sake of Austin, but hubba hubba, he was hot.

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