Chapter 24

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I sat there thinking I'd instantly start seeing something, but I managed to finish my whole pizza and still not feel anything. I was kind of relieved. Maybe I didn't eat enough for there to be a crazy effect. The thought eased my worries a bit. I set my plate down looking up to see if everyone else was okay too.

Gina was sitting there, talking to Gergana about how she was considering getting a cat, but Brody, I noticed, was looking a little off. He was nodding to their conversation, but his eyes would drift to his pants then back up at the girls, and then to his pants. His hand slowly roamed over his left leg becoming more focused on it.

"Brody," I called out in a gentle tone, "how're you feeling?"

Gina and Gergana went quiet, turning their attention to him.

He looked up and instantly started laughing. "It feels so weird," he answered. "Almost slippery. Right?"

I looked at him confused. "What?"

His attention seemed to snap out of whatever the hell he'd been thinking of for a split second. "Wait. What'd you ask me?"

My eyes widened. Oh Brody... "If you were feeling okay," I repeated.

" great." He nodded casually.

Gergana started busting out into a laugh, leaning over towards him. "Damn, Brody is going to be hilarious tonight, isn't he?"

I let out a soft chuckle. "Seems like it," I answered.

"Woah," Gergana suddenly said, looking at the fire.

"What?" Gina asked.

Gergana squinted as if trying to make sure she was seeing things correctly. "The fire it's like a different color, do you see that?"

A hand went over my mouth. This was weird to watch happen in real time. "We're losing Gergana." I laughed.

"No, she's right!" Brody said, leaning in closer to the flames fully agreeing. "It's changing color!"

I looked at the fire, rolling my eyes but for a split second, I thought I saw the fire blur in an unnatural way. I blinked my eyes rapidly. No, I saw nothing.

"God, it looks so beautiful," Gergana gushed unable to take her eyes off of it. "I wish I could take a picture of it." She went silent her eyes dancing around thinking. "Wouldn't it be it be cool if we could take pictures with our minds? And the photos would appear exactly how we see it."

Now Gina was laughing hysterically, but she fed into the insanity when she offered, "Like a brain camera."

"Exactly!" Gergana exclaimed, sitting straighter in her seat.

Gina was perking up, "And you can print them out through your brain printer."

"That's genius!" Gergana gushed.

Holy shit, they were getting fried. They definitely had to have eaten more than me. Because I felt completely fine.

I nuzzled back into the chair and stared back at the fire and my heart skipped. Shit. I blinked hard a few times. The did look a little off. It was flickering but it started to look more like water than fire. Hot fiery water. It was hard to describe but Gergana was right about the brain camera.

If only I could take a photo of how I saw it.

An icy breeze rolled past us, gliding over my skin and I noticed how it felt like a bunch of tiny feathers. It wasn't enjoyable like I'd imagine, but instead, the feeling made me shudder. I didn't like it. It meant that small bite may just quite possibly be kicking in...

Holidays Bleeding (A Post Malone Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz