Chapter 10

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Over the weekend, things really felt to be back on track between me and Austin. So much so that I had convinced myself that what happened between us before just had to be a hiccup. A small bump in the road. I don't know. But I was just happy and thankful that we were able to move past it.

Thanksgiving was just days away, and I had been prepping nonstop for our get-together with our friends. I was able to order some fall décor to put around the dining room to set the mood. Being on set for that Thanksgiving special really inspired me. I didn't go overboard, just enough to make it look like I did put some thought into it.

I'd been buying all the spices and vegetables needed for the turkey, and yes, I did not forget to buy the actual turkey because that almost did happen. I was so hyper-focused on writing my list out for Austin's assistant to go grab for me that I forgot to write a turkey down, but thankfully, Austin caught it. He was rather smug about that one.

I'd been sitting in the kitchen on my laptop watching videos of people making turkeys when Gergana called.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hey," she said dully. Oh shit. I could hear the pain of her breakup clear in her voice. I had offered multiple times for her to come over and hang out, or even for me to come to her place with some ice cream, but she denied me.

"Everything okay?"

She sighed. "No. But I mean yes, I guess." She went quiet a moment. "Thomas officially left for Portland today."

I sank into my seat, hating she was feeling this sort of pain. "I'm so sorry. I know this has been hard."

"To say the least. I just, I need a quick distraction."

"Do you want to get together?" I offered again, strumming my fingers along the counter hoping she'd say yes. "Or if you want you can come over and watch videos about cooking a turkey with me?"

"Huh?" She seemed confused.

I realized. "For Thanksgiving," I clarified.

"Oh right." She went quiet, not answering as if she were drifting off again.

"You're still coming right?"

"I don't know."

I sat up straighter, feeling a slight sinking in my stomach. "Gergana, you need to come. Not just for holiday sakes but for yourself. You pushed me to go out during my bad times with Austin and now I have to do the same." Little did she know I'd go to her house and drag her here if I had to. "Just come, please. Gina and I will help distract you and ease your mind. Just a few hours could do you some good. Plus, what better way to heal your heart other than drinking free wine and eating tons of delicious food?"

She stayed silent, but this time I knew she was contemplating it. "You do make a valid point." There was the tiniest hint of life in her voice again and it earned a smile from me.

"See, it's going to be a great time!" I encouraged. "I promise."

"Okay," she sighed weakly. "I'll go."

While I was glad that she was coming, I still felt horrible that she was in so much pain. A pain that I knew all too well. "Please, Gergana, if you need anything just tell me, okay?" I said gently. "I'm here for you however you need."

"I know. I'm going to go though. All that talk about food made me want to go eat the cookie dough that's in my fridge."

"All right." I was not one to judge. If eating cookie dough helped, I'd buy her a whole tub of it. "Again, just call me if you need me."

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