Chapter 8

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When I got home, I saw that Austin's car was gone. I knew he had to have been out recording like he said so I texted him that I was home now. I set my stuff down and felt emotionally drained. I couldn't help but feel horrible for Gergana, but also envied Thomas for being so honest.

My phone buzzed and it was Austin.


Still recording. Mind if I go out for drinks with Dre after?

He was so sweet for checking with me even though he knew I wouldn't.


Not at all. Have fun. Just call for a driver if you drink too much.

The forecast said there was a chance of rain later tonight and the combo of drinks and rain just didn't settle right with me.

My stomach rumbled urging me to head to the kitchen. I found some leftovers to pop into the oven, making my night easier. Meanwhile, I grabbed my laptop and made myself comfortable at the kitchen island to check my emails while I waited.

I had an email reply from Liam:

No, I'm a mouse in wolf's clothing when it comes to conveying emotion in real life. That's why I resort to making other people do it for me on screen.

I laughed reading it over again appreciating that we were already making jokes like old friends. In this business that kind of connection was rare.

I emailed back:

A mouse in wolf's clothing?

He quickly responded with a YouTube link and I daringly clicked it on it.

A video appeared and it slowly panned down to a small mouse in the desert peeking out of a hole then it adorably looked up at the moon and howled. I started laughing hysterically until my stomach hurt and responded back:

What did I just watch?

The time for the oven went off and I hopped off the stool to go take it out. It smelled delicious, making me ready to dig into it right here. Again, props to Austin's cooking abilities. Which reminded me I really needed to get on the ball on looking up recipes on how to cook a good turkey. Friendsgiving was only about a week away now.

I served myself a plate of food and brought it back to my laptop and pulled open a tab on turkeys. There was a ton which was a little daunting seeing as I didn't think it'd be so complicated. After clicking on about five links, I was feeling a little over my head on this. I was ready to back out but I wanted to prove to Austin I could handle this. He was all for teaching me how to cook but I wanted to do this on my own.

I scanned some more, finishing my food at some point, and took a break to see another email from Liam.

Me on the last full moon, duh.

I laughed. And just then my phone buzzed and I looked down to see it was Austin.

He sent a picture of himself throwing up a peace sign at a booth at some bar. It was hard to tell, but I did notice Dre behind him appearing to be chatting up some chick. Typical and Smitty was beside him, From what I remembered, Smitty was his former tour DJ that I'd met once our relationship went public. He didn't come along this last time since he'd just gotten married and promised his wife a long honeymoon. But it seemed like that was over because I noticed in the photo Smitty had his arms round a different girl.

I texted back.


Is that Smitty with you?

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