Chapter 5

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"Oh wow, you just cut off that car," I remarked to Austin from the passenger seat. We were driving down the 101 as fast as the traffic would allow.

He had a cigarette in hand, looking as if he had zero remorse for it. "Well, we're already late for our reservation. I'm just trying to get us there before they give it away. Prissy bastards at the restaurant have sticks up their asses when it comes to punctuality."

I couldn't help but laugh at his tantrum as he raced us towards downtown LA.

"Of course, you think it's funny," he chided taking a long drag in, trying to soothe his impatience. "You're the reason we're late."

"Hey!" I defended. "I can't help it that I couldn't decide which pair of black shoes to wear. Now that they're on perfect display, I can properly see all my options rather than just going with the pair sitting on top of the pile like in my old closet."

"Perhaps that system was better."

I scrunched up my face, playing the part of considering it. "Mmm. Nope. This one is definitely better." I peeked down at the strappy black pair I landed on with no regrets.

After last night, Austin had insisted we go to a restaurant for lunch today rather than cooking, which earned him a side eye from me. But he swore it was because we needed his assistant to load us up on more groceries first. Mhm...

"Have you eaten at Perch before?" he asked.

"No, but I've heard all good things from Gina. She said I had to try the gnocchi."

"It's good but I think you'd like their salmon better. It's a lot like the one you tried and loved in Scotland."

I did like that salmon. My fingers idly began tapping on the passenger side door. I felt myself already feeling contemplative on which to order. Ugh. Stupid new restaurant anxiety...

"Just go with Gina's suggestion," he said, knowing me like the back of his hand. His lips tilted up. "I can already see your panic setting in."

I shot a playful hand out at him. "Don't act like you're being helpful. I know you're just playing it safe so I can be annoyed at Gina instead of you if I end up hating the recommendation."

"Maybe," he chuckled before taking the last drag of his cigarette.

Within fifteen minutes of more weaving between cars and a couple of exchanged middle fingers, we pulled up to the valet of the restaurant, the towering building rising high above us. The restaurant was on the very top and had an amazing view of the entire area. But it was the sight near the front door that made me groan.


"Well thank God I made sure to pick out cute shoes," I grumbled.

"Just ignore them."

Austin parked and the valet opened my door, allowing me a quick exit. Austin hopped out and together we rushed inside as cameras flashed like crazy. I tried my best not to be blinded by the lights as we hastily walked up the small set of steps that led to the building. Thankfully someone who worked there already had the doors open for us.

I thanked them, stepping inside free of the sound of cameras clicking profusely. "How'd they know we'd be here?"

"Probably the reservation." He put an arm around me, keeping me close. "I used an alias but it's one I've used before, so they probably got tipped off by someone here."

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